Chapter 45

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Valerie dozed off on the hour drive when she woke up she saw bright city lights. Skyscrapers. Things she hadn't seen for a while, and almost didn't miss. Maybe she was a country girl at heart. That was when they pulled into a parking lot of a tall building. She'd noticed a man in a tux take the keys from the Porche driver ahead of them. She let out a soft laugh.

"Nice place huh?" Abe looked over at her and his smile tightened as he noticed her expression, "You don't like it."

Valerie just smiled, she didn't want Abe to think she didn't appreciate the date. The truth was aside from the business dinners that were few and far between with Allan, there were never any romantic dates. She had never just gone out because it was her birthday, just to be spoiled. That was when another thought that haunted her. What if this was one of those things that men do to get her attention and then as soon as she gets comfortable he'd stop, she shook it off, She didn't want to think about that, "I just wasn't expecting valet parking."

His eyebrows drew together, "Too much?"

Valerie shrugged playfully.

"There is always Applebees." He said with a casual smile.

Valerie smiled but pushed her lips together, "Are you teasing me?"

His eyes widened "What? I happen to like Applebees."

She shook her head and giggled, "I guess we can be fancy for one night."

"That's my girl." He smacked her leg lightly clutched and shook her thigh.

"That's my Abe." She mumbled giggling.

When she stepped out of the car Valerie tilted her head up. The building shot into the starry sky. She had never seen such a tall 'restaurant'.

"You can see the whole city at the top." Abe spooked her as he murmured deeply in her ear.

She giggled as she allowed him to escort her into the building and the gold elevators. It was like walking in a dream. She clutched Abe's bicep for dear life as the boarded the elevator to the top part and when the doors came open there was a big gorgeous dining room with a long circular window that lined the room, that had a view of the glittering city.

Valerie was surprised that Abe had made a reservation on such short notice, but it was the day after Christmas. They were escorted to right next to the window.

"What will you be drinking this evening?"

Abe looked at her. "A bottle of white wine for the table."

"Yes sir, right away sir." The man in the white shirt and black silky vest bowed.

"No sweet tea?" Valerie teased.

He leaned, "Now these fancy pants don't know how to make sweet tea."

She giggled, "Touche." She sipped her water as her eyes drifted over to the view, "It's beautiful, Abe." She swallowed.

"The room rotates." He said peeking out of the side of his menu, bringing her out of her thoughts.

She clutched her menu and studied it, "So what's my price range?"

He winced. "You can order what ever you want from the dollar menu."

She laughed.

"You know what? Order what ever you want sweetie, your meal is free anyway. I have a coupon." He winked.

Valerie rolled her eyes and giggled. This was the Abe she knew. "I almost believe you."

"What ever you want Val." She scrolled, she wondered if she should have just ordered a salad, and then there was the thought of later that night. "I'll have the Salmon...I have to go to the restroom."

The Secret Admirer Next Door (Love Next Door Series Book 1) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now