Done This Before

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~°Derek's POV°~

We enter the meeting room. We all sat at where our names were placed. There was a chair on the center that was turned around. I'm guessing that the person we need to negotiate with. The chair turns around and we saw Terry. First, I called it. Second, what?!

"Terry?." I asked

"Hello Derek. I called you all here today for a special meeting." Terry said formally.

"And what's that?." Rachel asked.

"First, Garte. How is your company doing? Has there been any outbreaks? Or has there anything being stolen?." Terry asked.

Garte looked pale. He clears his throat.

"Our Company is up and running." Garte said avoiding the other question.

"Has there been any stolen items?." Terry asked.

Garte looked down then sighed and looked at him.

"Yes."Garte said.

My eyes widened.

" But your company has the best of best security! How could someone break in and steal something?. "I asked.

" Derek. Temper. Now what was stolen?."Terry asked.

" The Relic. " Garte said.

All of us gasped.

" How could you let such an important heirloom be stolen?!. "Zianna yelled.

" I don't know how this person came to steal the relic. It was magic proof and fool proof. "Garte said.

"Well, is this it?." Terry threw a plastic bag with the relic at the center of the table.

Our eyes widened. Garte looked at Terry.

"How did you get that?!." Garte asked, eager to know who took it.

"During the move of Y/N,We uncovered that at the lodge. That relic was hidden inside a chimney. In the depth of 10ft." Terry said.

Garte looked at me.

"Your girl had something to hide." Garte said.

"It couldn't be Y/N. She is too slow witted for that stuff and entering the incorporation that has security? Are you that dense to blame my daughter of that?." Rachel said.

"Then, what else could we expect? You are the only family who knows how to disable the security." Garte said.

"Y/N wasn't known until now. This is her first time to come out to civilization and live her life as a normal human. She has no idea of your incorporation. You cannot blame a girl that has been hidden years right away. She doesn't know anything about our ties. Now, what if I blame you son for burning down all those Christmas trees which led to a forest fire. Hmm? Now how would you feel?. "Rachel reasoned.

" I see you point,but who could've stolen this so easily?." Garte asked.

" Someone who's brave enough to fight. "

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