Predetermined Halves

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(A/n: Play the song when Rhys confirms the flowers or play it if you want to <:)          

 ~Your Pov~

After breakfast, the king, Lady Grandma and the demon guys brought me to the middle of the forest. I looked around and saw the moon shinning. Out of nowhere, my werewolf ears popped out. I felt my eyes flash red.

"What the!"I yelled in fear.

"What is it?"Asch's father asked.

I turn away from them and still felt my eyes flashing red.

"Huh...?" I look at the moon. It was blood red.

"Arghh.."I look down as the tail appeared.

I look at them and they move a little back.

"Y/N?"Pierce looked worried.

"What's happening to you?"Asch asked keeping his stance.

"Fascinating."Rhys said coming towards me.

I growled. "Don't come near me."

My eyes fully turned red. I looked away.

"Don't look at me."I said looking down.

"It's a curse..."

I heard them come close to me. A hand was laid on my shoulder and because my werewolf senses were keen, I responded to that touch by throwing whoever touched me.

"Nice move but it takes a lot stop this demon."Leif said as he landed infront of me.


"You've gotta have more than that to take this old timer down."

"Roman..."I felt tears prick out of my eyes.

"Roman wait!"

My nails got to his chest and blood was shed.

"Y/n...I love you..."

It got harder to breath. Out of nowhere, Leif and Pierce held me up.

"Hey...Are you alright?"Leif asked with worry in his face.

I felt my eyes flashing red back and forth as I fell on the ground.

"Don't touch me..." I felt weak.

"What's wrong with her?"Noi asked as I felt my eyes get heavier.

"Our moon must have an effect on her... just like what the---"The king stopped.

"Grandma, we need to get her there as soon as possible. I have a feeling it might work."I hear the king speak again.

"Hold on Y/n...." Pierce whispered.

I nodded in response. My breathing slowly returned but my vision was still blurry but I still felt my eyes flashing.

"We're almost there."I heard Lady Grandma speak.

I hear twigs break and bushes rustle as I was helped up.

"Goodness for a woman you're really heavy..."Leif huffed.

"You're very ....thankful I... don't have the... energy to beat you up Leif..." I said slowly as my breath caught up to me.

I heard him snicker. "You wish."

~Asch's POV~

We were now infront of a dead end with a half dead human and some rushed demons.

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