Mere Mortals and Descendats Pt.3

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~•Elizabeth's POV•~

"Alina? Is something wrong?" We all heard Shad ask the girl.

"Never knew Shad had a heart." Zach, my husband, scoffed.

"Obviously, he grew a heart out of nowhere." I said rolling my eyes.

"How is that human girl related to him? I have never seen him be gentle on a human being before. Odd." Lady Bish says beside me.

"So we're all here to discuss that?" Hunter asked.

"Let him have his time. It's obviously his daughter that he wanted dearly, mother." Ein said making me look at him while raising an eyebrow.

"Appearing out of nowhere doesn't quite seem suspicious to you?" Hunter slipped in the conversation.

"It does actually" Zach said while nodding.

"Something's off."

I decided to walk towards Shad and the mysterious girl. They both look at me as I was now infront of them.

"Who is this?" I asked a bit irritated and confused of this woman.

"If she's your long dead daughter, then how is she alive? Don't you think that's suspicious?" I asked crossing my arms.

They look at one another and Shad sighs. This made the woman scoff.

"I am his daughter." She said.

"Prove it." Hunter walks beside me.

She was about to show us something until..


The bubble popped! I ran towards Zach and let the crystal shard shine.

"What did you do!?" Shad yelled.

"We dont know the cause. It looked like it just popped!" Lady Bish said preparing herself.

"Owh my head.." a demon woke up.

"Keep stance everyone!" The woman yelled.

"Where are we?" Another demon woke up.

I scoffed at her and she scoffed back at me.

"Stop trying to prove your loyalty to my father. You look desperate." She said making my blood boil.

~• 3rd Person POV•~

Alina pulled Elizabeth to the edge of her patience. Everyone heard their bickering and Shad was a pleased father to see Alina treat others this way.

"You know what? You're not even his daughter! You're a pint sized wannabe who doesn't deserve anything. Especially her magical life." Elizabeth said while pushing her fingers on Alina's chest.

"Guys uuhhh our captived demons have disappeared." Hunter said making them look at him with shock.

"It's all your fault!" Elizabeth pushed Alina to the ground.

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