Your Horror

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~°Aaron's POV°~

My eyes quickly open as I sat up. I looked around, breathing heavily. I placed my head into my palms and looked up. I heard a knock.

"Aaron?. "A tiny voice was heard.

I looked at the door.

" It's open. "I said.

I quickly looked away as the door opened. I heard slight giggling. I faced the person who came in and saw a pair of e/c colored eyes. She smiled and placed a tray on my bed. I looked at the tray and saw bacon, eggs, toast and coffee. I looked up to her.

"Is that supposed to be for me?. "I asked her.

She giggled." Yeah, I got better in walking. So, I thought I brought you some breakfast in bed, which wasn't really hard. "She chuckled lightly.

" You sure?. "I asked taking a toast.

" Yeah, it wasn't that hard to go down the stairs on a limping foot but getting upstairs was harder." Y/n said sitting beside me.

"I thought there was no trouble?. "I smirked.

Y/n playfully punched me." I mean, Yeah it was kind of hard but, I managed to be strong."She said smiling.

I gave her a quick hug. "Thanks, Y/n." I said releasing her from the hug.

"Anytime!. "She said smiling.

Her smile so cute. I just want to pinch those cheeks but we have to control our childish sides.

" Anyways, I ate already. So, you don't have to make me your priority today. Take some rest. Roman will accompany me wherever I will go but I won't be heading out the house for awhile. "Y/n said with a smile.

" Oh, Okay. But be careful, okay? I don't want you running off again. "I said with slight concern in my voice.

She slowly made her way to the door and opened it. She took a glance at me.

" I will. "She said heading out of my room.

As the door was closed, I smiled.

'What did I do to deserve a twin sister like Y/n? '

~°Your POV°~

I smiled as I left out of Aaron's room. I walked directly back to my room with tiny difficulties which meant my leg was slightly hurting. I opened the door of my room and closed it as I went in. I quickly made my way to my bed and sat down.

"How are you, Kiddo?. "A male voice asked.

I snickered,"I'm fine." I said laying down in the bed.

Soon, a man was sitting on my bed. I sighed and smiled.

"Feeling better like this?. "Roman asked.

" Uh Yeah? I'm fine. "I said closing my eyes.

Roman sighed,"Y/n,You know how it worried your parents so much." Roman said.

I moved sideways and covered myself with my blanket.

"I know. It wasn't great, but why should they even bother to look for me when they wanted to throw me away because of a family 'crisis'? It's not that I'm important. "I said with sass.

Roman sighed," Again with your stubbornness. "

" Get out of my room before I will make you fly out of this world. "I said, not wanting to hear any more information about them worrying on me.

" Y/n, you sho---. "

Suddenly,  piercing screams were heard. I sat up quickly, throwing my blanket to the floor. Roman looked at me with worry. I quickly got out of bed and ran out my room. I tripped on something which made me scream in pain, since my leg wasn't fully healed. I opened my eyes after I screamed and saw horror. I screamed again as my hands were stained with blood.

"My Irene!!. "I cried leaning on a wall while sitting down.

Roman came after me and saw what made me scared.

~°Roman's POV°~

" Mommy... "Y/n cried as she was stained with blood.

This was horror. Blood all over the floor and two dead bodies were laying. It was Melissa and Rachel. I quickly ran to Aaron's room to see wherever he was. My eyes widened as I saw him bleeding. He was unconscious.

"Look over here, Roman. "A male voice was heard behind me.

I turned and kicked the person to the ground.

" Roman!!. "Y/n yelled.

I ran out, carrying Aaron behind my back while the attacker was disarmed. I quickly grabbed Y/n and ran all of us to Derek's room. I quickly threw them into the closet and locked it from the inside.

" Press the button on your left, Y/n. Under the shoebox. "I said.

Y/n looked under the shoebox and saw a button. She didn't hesitate to press the button. A red light was glowing around us and we lost gravity for a few seconds. Then, we were warped away. We were now in front of a secret base only the Lycan family could go to.

"R-Roman?. "Y/n sounded scared.

I looked around and helped her up. I placed Aaron behind me and carried him with Y/n holding my hand. We exited the warp and head for the medical area. We were stared at but I didn't want things to go worse for Y/n and Aaron.

Soon, we ended up at the Medical ward. A lady with light green hair woman with a white coat was checking her medical supplies. She looked up and spotted us.

"Oh my Irene... "She breathed heavily.

" Get them to one of the beds, Roman."The lady said.

I nodded. I quickly laid Aaron on a bed while Y/n sat on the other bed, holding Aaron's hand. I sat down beside Y/n and side hugged her. She then bursts out crying.

"Shhh..everything's going to be okay,okay?. "I said stroking her hair.

She cried. The lady came and handed her a paper bag.

" Here, Go change in them. You can put your blood stained clothes at the basket of the changing room three beds away from here. "The lady said with a smile.

Y/n looked at me.

" Go.. "I said with a comforting smile.

She stood up and thanked the lady and walked to the changing room.

" That was Y/n, right?. "

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