Chapter 2: Surprises & Siblings

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Chapter 2

As soon as I walked through the door's threshold, butterflies filled my stomach. Shane's house was big. Well bigger than mine. To the left of the doorway was the living room with brown couches, one against the stairs and the other against the window both facing the flat screen TV. To the right of the door was another couch and two desks facing opposite directions. It must have been the study area. In front of the door was a small hallway with pictures of the family on one side and stairs on the other next to a closet.

"I'm home." Shane yelled gesturing me to come further into the house.

"We're out here sweetie." I heard a faint female voice call out.

"Follow me." Shane walked ahead.

Shane started walking towards the hallway in front of us. Once we reached the end of the hallway, Shane turned to me.

"Are you ready?"

"No." I nodded.

"Look, it won't be that bad. Just follow my lead and let me do most of the talking."

I shook my head in agreement.

Shane held out his left hand, "Take my hand."

"Uh. No."

"What. Why?"

"We can be in a relationship without having to hold each others hands all the time."

"It's either you hold my hand or my hand goes around your waist. Your choice."

"Well I guess holding your hand won't be that bad."

Shane held out his left hand again and without hesitation I grabbed it. Shane squeezed my hand sending electric currents throughout my body.

"Now smile, it's showtime."

Shane and I walked pass the dining room and kitchen and stopped in front of blinds that were in front of a sliding door.

"Just gotta make it look real." Shane said. "Keep that in your head. It should help."

"Just gotta make it look real." I repeated.

Shane opened the blinds revealing me to his family, then opened the sliding door. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at us mostly me, nervous I squeezed Shane's hand harder.

"Relax." Shane whispered in my ear then walked outside.

"Hi Sweetie." A feminine voice came from the table.

"Who's your friend?" A masculine voice came from the left.

I'm guessing it was Shane's little sisters that got of the pool and walked towards us. Unsure of what to do I just smiled and stayed close to Shane.

"Guys, this is Allison. My girlfriend." Shane introduced.

When Shane said girlfriend my stomach was turning into knots.

"Allison, that's my mom Serena, my dad Seth, and my little sisters Sarah and Stacy." Shane said as he pointed to the corresponding person.

"Hi, everyone." I greeted everyone with what felt like a cheese smile.

"Nice to meet you sweetie." Shane's mom said giving me a hug.

"It's nice to meet you to Mrs. Carson."

"Please call me Serena." Serena insisted.

I nodded my head, "OK. And you can call my Alli for short."

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