Chapter 22: Anxiety & Attacks

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I love posting more than one chapter a week! Don't you?
Enjoy my lovelies!
Sarah looked at me with sad puppy dog eyes as she soaks in what I just told her. "What?" She responds sadly.

"The only thing that would keep me here is you and Stacy." I started softly. "But it's not about that. It's about what has to hppen right now." I sighed.

"I understand. It's just, you were supposed to be here for three months and it's only been a little over a month." She added.

"I know." I said looking at my still full suitcases.

"There's no other way to change your mind?" She asked hopfully.

I really wanted to stay, but I just couldn't. It wouldn't feel right to me. And besides why spend the rest of the vacation hating someone. It wouldn't seem fair to me or to this family.

"If it'll make you happy. Then I'll have to live with it." She said unhappily.

"Thank you." I replied. "Besides, we can still hangout when you come back to California." I reminded.

"Oh yeah." She exclaimed her frown quickly turning upside down to form her beautiful smile.

"How am I supposed to tell everyone else?" I sighed looking at the ground hoping an idea would come to mind.

"Family meeting." Sarah exclaimed sticking a finger in the air.

Startled I looked up at her just picturing a lightbulb above her head."What?" I laughed.

"Family Meeting." She paused. "Best way to tell evryone at once." She specified her idea.

"But I'm not part of the family." I countered. "I can't call a meeting."

"When you're here. You are." Sarah said. "I'll call everyone together and announce that you have something to say."

The thought of coming face to face with Shane again put butterflies in my stomach, but it would be to tell him and the family that I'll be leaving. Was it weird that I wanted to see how he''dreact to that.

"When do you want to do it?" She asked. "When are you planning on leaving?" She added.

"In three days?" I replied. "So hopefully tomorrow, I can tell everyone I'm leaving." I sighed. "Can I borrow your computer? I want to check for airline dates." I asked.

"Yeah, but I'm really tired from." She said handing me her laptop and then climbing into her bed. "Just lemme know what you want to do tomorrow morning." She added puling the blankets to her.

"Sounds good." I said turning off the lights to the room and dimming the computer screen so it wouldn't bother Sarah.

I checked the time and it was already 10pm. No wonder Sarah wanted to sleep already. I told myself that before I sleep, I would buy a ticket home, so Serena wouldn't have to pay for it. It was the least I could do, I saw a ton of flights for that day, but couldn't decide on a time.

The time was now 11pm, and I wanted to make sure I had enough energy for tomorrow so I decided to go to sleep.


The next morning, when Sarah had finaly awaken I told her about how I wanted to tell everyone I was leaving today, so once we got ready she went and woke up everyone to go into the living room.

Currently sitting in the living room couch I was fidgety, anxious about how they'd react. I didn't know if I should tell them about Shane or make up some excuse about why I needed to go back.

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