Chapter 4: Best friends & Boys

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Hey guys!!

This chapter is kinda a random one and just a filler.


"Good Morning!" Someone shrieked with a high pitched voice.

Please, oh please don't let it be-

"Get up!" The voice screamed again, but this time with a pillow smashing against my face.

I opened my eyes not because I wanted to wake up , but because I wanted to see the person who was keeping me awake.

"What are you doing here? At 7 in the morning?" I asked Ava checking the time.

"We were going to spend the whole day today. Remember?" Ava cheered.

Oh shit. Was that today?

"Did you forget?" Ava asked with a frown.

"I'm sorry. I've been busy." I apologized sitting up in my bed.

"With Shane?" Ava's smile returned on her face.

"Maybe." I said reaching for my phone and smiling at the screen.

"You have to tell me all about it when we go shopping today!" Ava exclaimed.

A frown appeared on my face. "I can't."

"But you leave tomorrow! And I won't see you for three months." Ava whined.

"I know. I need to pack still!" I complained.

"Aww. But you promised we were going to spend the day together." Ava protested.

"I know. We still can. Just here at my place. Let's have a sleepover." I figured this would make up for the shopping day.

Besides I so did not want to go back to the mall.

"Just like old times!" Ava smiled from ear to ear.

"Yeah now let me get dressed." I told Ava getting off my desk.

In the shower I couldn't stop smiling like an idiot and the fact that I was crushing on Shane. Once I stepped out of the shower I tossed my hair up in a top knot and got dressed in a pair of denim shorts,a loose black tank that you can see my bra through the sides and some plain pink flip flops. Best lazy day outfit EVER!

I walked back to my room to see Ava with a suitcase on the bed.

"You're the best." I complimented.

"Thanks I try." She did a hair flip. "So what happened yesterday with Shane that's keeping a smile on your face."

"Is it that obvious?" I asked running to the mirror. And it was.

"Well?" Ava pushed.

"You want the long version or the short?"


"I went to the mall with his family. He defended me from some jerks who tried to make a move on me. We 'pretend cuddled' in the park. I had a verbal argument with Heather. Shane said I was falling for him. I told him I never will. And I think I have a crush on Shane." I spoke fast.

"Really? Wait defended you from jerks?" Ava asked.

"Shane's ex friends were too flirty with me. Shane punched them and said to never touch me again." I explained

"Pretend cuddled?" Ava needed a play by play.

"Shane thought we needed to practice 'fake cuddling' so it could look real. I tried to get up but he didn't let me. He wanted to stay cuddling." I explained pulling some of my favorite dresses out of my closet.

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