Chapter 30: Prepare & Protect

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Dedicating this chapter to SmartGirl118! Thanks for all your support!!

Excuse the mistakes.



Shane's POV

Watching Allison walking away with Ryan just felt weird. Something about their relationship was off. I couldn't pin what exactly, but it just was. Allison looked more paranoid than usual. She was also willing to stay here and talk to me even though we actually aren't even talking. The way Ryan held her looked like he was trying his best not to lose her. Well I mean I am her 'fake ex boyfriend' so I guess that could've been the reason. And when they were together the tension was just awkward, life they were together but ask felt like someone didn't want to be there. I couldn't help but think that it was Allison that didn't want to be there. That she was the reason behind he that moment went the way it did.

"Here's your water Shane." Sarah said placing the cup in front of me.

"Thanks." I replied bluntly.

"Are you okay?" She asked glaring at me. "You look like one of those cops on tv trying to solve a murder case." She laughed along with Stacy.

"Very funny." I faked laugh. "Let's just get to the schools and enroll so I can get you guys home." I said getting up and leading my sisters to the car.

"Ryan seems nice." Sarah mentioned. At the sound of Ryan's name my hands gripped the steering wheel tighter.

"He really likes Allison." Stacy added.

My eyes were fixed on the road, while my brain tried hard to not think of Allison.

"Don't you think Shane?" Sarah asked.

"What?" I retorted.

"Allison and Ryan are a cute couple." Sarah muttered. "Not as cute as you two though. Of course." She assured.

"They used to date." I heard myself say.

"What? When?" Sarah interrogated surprisingly.

"They dated for almost a year and broke up a couple months ago." I answered. Am I really gossiping? Is this what girls do all day?

"What happened?" Sarah asked.

I turned to see Stacy looking out the Windies and smiling at the buildings, just getting lost in her own world. "He cheated on her." I whispered.

"Omg. Really? But if he did that then why is she back with him?" Sarah questioned eager for an answer.

"That's what I don't get." I replied wishing I knew the answer.


After enrolling ourselves at school, I had driven the girls back home and had told them I was going to go check something. I left the car and had switched to my motorcycle side I had missed my baby. I remembered Allison riding on this thing for the first time, she was so scared that she was ready to pop my intestines out.

I had originally planned to go to Allison's house to ask about her relationship even though I doubted she was going to tell me. In her neighborhood, I saw Ryan leaving Allison's house, I baked my motorcycle up and decided to just follow him to see what he was up to and why he wouldn't send time with Allison right now.

So without even thinking which I probably should've done when I thought about this plan I had decided to follow Ryan just to make sure he's as decent as Alli says. Following him was not that easy as I thought. When you think follow you think just follow wherever he goes.But no! I had to make sure he didn't see me which meant staying a couple cars behind him. I almost lost him when he took a turn and I didn't catch it. But I found him when I circled back. At least he was a slow driver. Following him had led me back to downtown. He was just here. Why would he come back? He clearly didn't want Allison to see him do something. When he went into the parking garage, I parked my bike around the corner of a shop close to the garage so he wouldn't see me and waited for him.

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