Chapter 24: Last Days and Laughter

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Allison's POV

Currently now my last day here in Hawaii, Sarah and Stacy insisted that we spend my last day on the beach since they claim I'll miss it. And I pretty sure I was. I decided to agree to them since well it was my last day in sunny sunny Hawaii and I shouldn't the whole day packing yesterday. I deserved a break.

"You are soo going to miss this." Sarah said in a replacing tone soaking up some sun.

"Stop making me feel bad." I teased throwing some sand on her.

"Hey." She complained sitting up and wiping the sand off.

"Hey. Hey, no violence." I looked up to see it was Jordan who teased us.

"As please, just a little violence." Sarah laughed. While I was still confused on why Jordi, Nicole, and Dante were here.

"What are you doing here?" I asked blocking the sun from my view as I looked up at him.

"Sarah invited me." He answered.

"You don't mind do you?" Nicole asked.

"Sarah told us it was your last day here, so when she invited us, we wanted to make it memorable." Daniel added. I looked at Sarah still confused because I thought this was just going to be a chill day with her and Stacy. And the fact Jordi was here, meant that Shane would be out here in a couple off minutes.

"I'm sorry." Sarah frowned.

"No. It's fine. Thanks. I would like to be surrounded by friends." I smiled watching Nicole and Daniel play with Stacy as Sarah and Jordi watched me.

"Good because we heard what happened. And we want to be here for you." Jordi said dropping into the sand next to me and swinging his arm around my neck pulling me in down and towards him.

"Geez. Thanks for bringing it up." I pouted escaping his hold.

"Oh. Sorry." He apologized.

"It's all good." I laughed pushing him playfully.

"Oww." He cried pretending to be hurt.

"Grow up." I joked.

"Hey look." Nicole said looking towards the direction behind me. "Speaking of the devil." She said as I looked to see that she was referring to Shane, who was watching us from the deck of the house.

My mood quickly went from happy to sad fairly quickly. "Hey let's go in the water." Daniel smiled quickly changing the subject pulling Sarah with him when he saw me becoming sad.

"Jordi, Allison. You coming?" Sarah laughed turning to us.

"Nah. I think I'll stay back here with Allison." Jordi said, which made me smile

"You guys go on ahead. We'll catch up." I told Sarah . She smiled nodding her head before pulling Stacy with her.

Sighing, I smiled watching Sarah, Nicole and Daniel splash each other, while Stacy jumped up and down as each wave came up against the shore. I couldn't help but sigh when Shane came to mind. Which I bet was the reason I couldn't help but look back at him once again. When I looked back I saw Taylor walk out on the deck and sat on his lap kissing him on the cheek. And I guess she didn't like the fact he was watching us or me in general so she stood up and took him inside. I sighed sadly as I watched them walk away.

Jordi must have been watching me as I watched them because I could see him and feel his eyes burning a hole into the back of my head.

"Hey." Jordi said sitting in front of view blocking my view of the house as I smiled in return. "Want to go for a walk?" He asked evaluating my sad expression.

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