Chapter 31: Confront & Complain

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First of all Merry Christmas (if you celebrate it) and if you don't, Happy Holidays!!

Alli's POV

Can I just first say, I really despise Ryan right now. He got back together with me because he thought it'd be funny to get back with me when already knowing there's no future for us. Jerk.)

It's currently 2pm and I have not gotten out of bed since Shane walked me home last night. When I got home I got in my bed, hugged my pillow and cried. I had cried a lot, since I didn't get to cry right after the incident.I really appreciated that Shane didn't say much during our walk home, he allowed the walk to be quiet.

Not to mention when Shane recused the damsel in distress. OMG! When he punched Ryan in the face. OMG! When he blurted the secret about Ryan and Heather being still together. OMG!

"I hate life." I groaned in bed mentally face palming myself.

Beep Beep Beep

I recognized the sound to know that I've received a text message. Of course I'd recognize it. Not only is it my default sound, it's been going off for the past two hours. My phone is currently resting on my desk across the room and unless I had telekinesis I would not be grabbing my phone anytime soon. The laziness is real! And I was still upset to do anything. The only thing that kept me from not crying was the thought of Shane protecting me. It reminded me of the time he had saved me before when I went to the mall with his family and those two guys tried to make a move on me, but Shane stopped them.

"Oh my gosh!" Ava exclaimed in my room. "I thought you were dead." Clearly Ava was exaggerating.

"What are you doing here?" I said quietly still not in the mood to do anything.

"Shane told me what happened. He's been trying to contact you, but you weren't responding, so he asked if I could check on you." Ava said walking towards me. "How is my best friend?" Ava asked tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.

"I just want to crawl in a hole and stay there forever." I stated. She sat on my bed and rubbed my arm to make me feel better. "I'm so stupid." I pitied my eyes beginning to water again.

"You just wanted to be happy." Ava reasoned her voice beginning to sound softer.

"Why is it so hard for me to be happy?" My voice choked while I pulled the blanket to my face.

"Because, this is just a test to see if you're ready to be fully happy." Ava thought wiping the tears from my face.

"Thanks Aves. I needed to hear that." I mumbled under my blanket. "But I just want to be alone right now. If that's okay?" I asked. Not really sure why though.

"Of course babe. " Ava said getting off my bed. "Just let me know me when you need anything. I'm one phone call away." She smiled assuringly and left.


Ava's POV

One thing I hated more than seeing Liam Hemsworth and Miley Cyrus's relationship come to an end was seeing my best friend cry.

I've seen her struggle to keep things from falling apart, but her attempt never seems to work out no matter how hard she tries. She even tried to look for a job at just 14 years old to be able to afford the things she needed for school. The only thing that keeps me sane about seeing her struggle is that I know if she can't do it on her own, she'll come to me for help no matter if she's embarrassed or mad. And I've never not helped her when she's asked. And no, I don't pity my best friend. I just think everyone could use a helping hand sometimes.

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