Chapter 5: Flights & Fights

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I woke up around 6 am to do some last minute packing. And trust me it wasn't that easy for me to roll out of bed that early in the morning. I wished I had pack a week before, but I hate packing and besides I was kept busy by Shane and Ava.

It was now 8 am and I figured I'd get ready now so I wouldn't have to deal with it later. I jumped in the shower and decided to just rinse my body and not my hair which took me only five minutes. Standing in front of the mirror I looked at my tiresome self and noticed the dark circles under my eyes. I should start sleeping earlier. Ha! Yeah right. I threw my hair into a messy bun since I hated my hair in my face on busy days.

And trust me today was going to be a busy day. I had so much to do.

I walked over to my closet and noticed I'd pack all my favorite clothing already. I walked to my dresser and pulled out a pair of light wash jeans I don't wear often and a plain maroon V-neck shirt I usually wear for sleeping. I opened one of my suitcases to grab my black flats out of the bag and slipped it on my feet.

Looking at the time I saw it was already 10 am.

I pulled out my phone and called Ava. Since she went back home to get ready.

"Hello." She greeted.

"Hey. We should get going. I wouldn't want to keep the Carson's waiting."

"I'll be right over." Ava hanged up.


We arrived at the airport at 10:20 and the Carson's were nowhere to be found.

"Have a safe trip!"Ava started walking towards me with her arms open. "Call me when you get there. In fact call me when you need to talk to someone." Ava embraced me tightly.

"Oh trust me I will!" I assured her gabbing my bags.

"I'm there for you. 24/7. Whenever you need to talk to someone. Don't hesitate. Even if it's 3 o'clock in the morning." Ava informed.

"Thanks."I hugged Ava tighter and released. She got in her car and left me alone at a busy airport. I turned around facing deciding if I should go in or not.

"Allison!" I heard someone with a squeaky voice call out.

I turned around and saw Stacy sticking her hand out of the window. When the car stopped Stacy jumped out and ran towards me.

"Hey you." I greeted lifting her feet off the ground. I watched as each Carson got out of the car.

"Hi." Seth greeted.

"It's nice to see you again dear." Serena greeted, my eyes still glued to their car.

"Well, we're going to get the boarding passes. Sarah help your brother get the bags out of the car." Serena ordered.

I watched as Sarah got out of the car wearing a floral dress.

I walked towards Sarah. "Hey." I greeted. "I love your dress." I complimented as she did a 360 turn.

"Thanks." Sarah smiled. "Shane hurry up! You're girlfriend is waiting for you!" Sarah called into the car.

I watched as Sarah pulled each suitcase out of the car recklessly.

"Sarah be careful with my bags." Shane called out.

I faced the ground while turning around. My eyes slowly traveled from his feet to his face and he was wearing black vans, denim jeans, a white t-shirt and a black zip up hoodie. I reached his face and noticed a big purple bruise at the corner of his mouth.

"Hey you." Shane smiled and gave me a kiss on the forehead. For all the times he's smiled at me I knew this was fake.

Still staring at the bruise, "What happened?" I asked.

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