Chapter 23: Requests & Reasons

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First thing first. Happy Thanksgiving. (. If you celebrate it.)

Hope you enjoy!
Shane's POV

Allison froze in her spot looking up at me from across the room with her intense light blue eyes that she didn't need to say anything for me to know how upset she was with me. She must've had a hard time to actually show herself to me.

Wait why was she even here?

I returned the look with questioning yet guilty eyes, paired with a hopefully forgiving smile. I can tell she thought it was cute because she looked away with a slightly darker shade of pink on her cheeks, which I couldn't help but feel giddy inside.

"I'm not here to forgive you or to forget what happened between us." She stated with angry eyes.

I closed the balcony door behind me and walked closer, "Then what brings you to my neck off the woods?" I smirked trying to lighten the mood.

"Stop." She stated holding a hand up. "I'm here for one reason. And for one reason only." She continued bringing back the intense felling into the room.

"And that would be?" I questioned, hoping that she'd see I'm taking her and this moment seriously.

She took a deep breath and glared me straight in the eyes, "I want to tell your parents about us."

At this moment my eyes widened and I didn't believe what I was hearing, "You're joking." I laughed to cover up my shock.

She watched me laughed and when I looked at her again as she placed a hand on her hip.

"You can't be serious." I said trying to contain my laughter. "No." I nodded. "No. That wasn't part of the pan." I added.

"Yeah, neither was this bet of yours." She retorted. "Shane please."

"Look cupcake. It's cute how you're trying to handle this situation, but I call the shots here."

Apparently I did notice what I had said until I looked over at Allison and she looked offended.

"1. Don't call me cupcake." She stated. "2. You calling shots, yeah look where that took us." She added rolling her eyes."And 3. Why won't you do this?" She asked with an irritated expression.

"Because." Was the one word that escaped my mouth. And may I just say, how childish of me.

"Because what?" She demanded for an answer. "You don't want to get in trouble?" She asked raising her tone a bit.

I said nothing and continued to watch her. But she already knew that she was right.

"Gosh Shane. Do you ever think of anyone besides your damn self?" She said angrier.

"Look why do you even want to tell them?" I countered. "It'll do nothing. You leaving anyway." The words spilled out of my mouth. But when I reminded myself she was leaving, my shoulders slowly dropped.

"Because I feel guilty." She admitted. "I feel guilty for lying to people who have done nothing but showed me perfect hospitality, and I can't just leave without them knowing the truth." She stated.

"Looks like you're going to have to live with it." I said, but it wasn't until Allison looked even more hurt and pissed off that I realized I was being unreasonable and hurtful.

I didn't know why I was acting this way with her. I liked her a lot, yet I was acting like a complete douche. It was like no matter how nice I tried to be, it was impossible.Apparently my mouth had a mind of it own. I guess it was also because I knew if we told, I would be in trouble with my parents and I sure in hell did not want that.

Second ChancesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora