Chapter 19: Beyond & Blushes

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Wooo!! For another update!!

"OK guys see you later." Jordi said as he pulled into the driveway.

"Thanks again bro." Shane fist bumped Jordi before opening the door.

"See y'all later." Shane stopped to the side so Sarah can hop down,"thanks guys." She said turning to face them.

"Anytime." Nicole smiled in return.

"Thank you." Stacy hugged Sarah before getting out of the car.

"No problem kiddo." Daniel said enthusiastically.

"Bye Alli." Jordi looked back at me.

After I got out of the car I turned to him, "Bye Jordi, Nicole, Daniel. And thanks again for letting me tag along."

"No problem." Daniel assured.

"It was nice to have another fighter along side us girls." Nicole winked.

"Whenever you need me. I'm there for you babe." I winked back, making her chuckle.

" Now go on." Jordi said forcing me to leave.

"Drive safely." Sarah waved before I completely shut the door close.

"Knowing him I highly doubt it." Shane rolled his eyes.

"Alli did you have fun at your first water park?" Sarah asked leading the way to the front door.I glanced at Shane and then quickly turned away when he glanced back. Uhm yeah I had a blast." I said bluntly,while Sarah unlocked the door.

"Me too ." Stacy said with a smile planted on her face.

"Do you guys wanna watch a movie?" Sarah suggested, turning to face us.

"Yeah." Stacy agreed. Sarah nodded then waited for our response.

"I'm down." Shane shrugged his shoulders.

After what happened at the water park earlier I was in no mood to deal with Shane, in fact I justwanted to be alone.

"Alli?" Two fingers snapped in front of me. "Do you want to watch a movie?" She asked again, but this time waited for an answer from me.

"Ummm." I turned to see everyone looking at me. "I think I'm going to skip out on the movie." I said with a scrunched nose.

"Aw, why?" Stacy frowned.

"I guess I'm just a little tired." I reasoned.

"OK then. I guess it's a sibling movie night." Sarah smiled with a hint of disappointment.

"Yeah. I don't know why. I guess I'm just gonna go relax upstairs." I
shrugged, walking up the stairs.

Upstairs, I took a quick shower than slipped into a pair of pajama shorts and a pain v neck shirt. I sat in my bed and realized I was a little tired and it was very hot inside the house.
To cool myself off, I stepped onto the balcony and sat on couch that was out there. I played my music and the song 'Cool kids' by Echo Smith started. I closed my eyes and listened to the song.

"Oh, I thought you were some stranger." Shane said through his opened balcony door.

"No..." I trailed looking at him holding my earphones in hand.

"I know you're mad." Shane stepped out and closed the door.

"Really?" I asked curiously sitting up and turning the music off.

"You made it seem pretty clear." He chuckled when he said that.

"Why'd you kiss her?" I asked straight forward.

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