Chapter 18: Dismay & Disputes

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Only for you guys! <3 Excuse the typos!
"Missed me? Bitch." She smirked then placed one hand on her hip.

"Why would I?" I crossed my hands in front of me and placed all my weight to one side.

"Confident? Now are we?" Her death stare shooting right threw me.

"Are you that desperate for Shane, you followed us here?" I insulted.

"You're wasting your time on him." She countered. "You're only his charity case." She insulted back.

How was I supposed to believe anything she says. "Like, I'm going to believe anything you say." I retorted ignoring her comment.

"Well. You should."

"And why's that." I asked pretending to care.

"Because I know more than you think."

"Wait. You actually know things?" I mocked. "Congrats."

"I'm trying to help you." She confirmed.

"Yeah. Well don't. I don't need your help."

"Don't say, I never warned you." She threw a smirk along with a death defining glare.

"Taylor!" Shane ran from behind me and pulled her further from me.

"Hey baby." She smiled trying to kiss him on the cheek, but failed when he pulled away.

"You OK?" Jordi asked coming up from behind me.

"Of course." I replied confidently.

"What are you doing here?" Shane interrogated still firmly holding her by the arm.

"What." She pulled her arm from him. "I wanted to be with you." She pushed back his wet hair. Shane didn't say anything but dart her a look.

"Let's head back." Jordi said. I nodded and turned my back.

"And where do you think, you're going." Taylor called, making me face her again. Shane's face looked anxious and nervous. "We are not fin-" Shane grabbed TJ by the waist and pulled her to him and kissed her. I watched waiting for him to pull away and when he didn't I walked away leaving Jordi, Shane, and TJ.

The thought of Shane kissing TJ right in front of me after he tried to kiss me earlier made me unsure of how he felt for me. An hour ago I was pretty sure he liked me as much as I liked him, but right now I was doubting it. And I didn't want to think he didn't like me. I was in the food court sitting and thinking until Jordan came.

"I was looking all over for you." He sat in the chair in front of me.

"Well you found me." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Are you ok?" He asked.

Not knowing what to say, I replied with another question, "Why didn't Shane come looking for me?"

"He's talking to Taylor." And there it was, the words I didn't want to hear. I wasnn't completely sure if Shane was more interested in Taylor instead of me, but for me, this was good enough evidence to know that he was picking her over me. And it hurt more to know that I wasn't capable of doing anything because we weren't in a real relationship. But these past days he made it seem like we were in a real relationship.

"Hey." Jordi snapped his fingers in front of me.

I shook my head. "What?"

"Are you ok?" He asked again.

"Well. My boyfriend just kissed someone right in front of me. So yeah I guess you can say I'm very happy." I smiled sarcastically.

"Funny." He smiled. "Look I've know Shane since we were kids and he's an idiot." He explained.

"I've noticed." I let out a slight chuckle.

"Are you normal this funny?" Jordi said changing the subject.

"Thanks, but you don't have to pretend I'm hilarious." I assured. "I'm fine."

"Who said I was pretending?" He said.

"You're kidding." I narrowed my eyes. "You don't possibly think I'm funny. Do you?" I asked.

"I don't. But I think you're a pretty cool person." He smiled genuinely.

"Thanks. And you know how to make a person feel better." I said.

"It's my best quality." He smiled playfully.

"I believe that." I smiled.

"Can I ask you something." He started. "You don't have to answer, if you don't want to." He warned.

"What is this question I don't have to answer?" I raised an eyebrow.

"How much do you like Shane?" Jordi asked. I looked up at him and then I looked away.

"Honestly. He's great." I smiled.

"So a lot?" He reasoned.

"I guess." I blushed.

"Well I'm sure he's crazy about you also." He smiled.

If he was then why would he kiss TJ? Why am I even asking myself this? Why am I torturing myself?

"And if he doesn't he's the biggest idiot ever." He teased.

I smiled at the comment.
"Because you're pretty darn great." Jordi added before standing up and holding his hand out.

"What?" I eyed his hand.

"C'mon let's go back." He said gesturing I take his hand.

Upset about Shane, I took it. Tired from what happened, I laid my head on his shoulder as we walked back to the rest of the group. Before we were actually with the rest of the group, we saw Shane and as we walked closer to I'm I noticed him narrowing his eyes to mine and Jordi's connected hands. But I didn't care, if he was going to kiss TJ then I should be able to hold hands with Jordi.

"Hey bro. Where's TJ?" Jordi asked letting go of m hand.

"She left." Shane said walking towards me putting an arm around.

I quickly dodged by ducking under. "I'll meet you guys over there." I said before turning and walking back over there. Once I was there, my eyes weren't crying but I'm pretty sure it looked like it wanted to. So to avoid the questions, I covered my face and jumped into the pool.

"Though you were never coming back." Sarah laughed sarcastically.

"Yeah me either." I smiled watching Shane and Jordi get into the pool.

"It's 5 o'clock already Jordi." Daniel told Jordi. "Remember we told mom we'll be home by 6."

"Well then. I guess we better get going." Jordi said making everyone groan in frustration.

But I sighed in relief.
Hope you guys enjoyed this short chapter. I'm so sorry if there are any typos and wrong grammar

Things are heating up!

Picture of Jordan, Shane, Taylor, and  Allison on the side.>>

Update: Tuesday? Tomorrow? Sunday? Maybe Monday? Stay tune for my weekly updates! ;)

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