Chapter 8: Passengers & Puzzles

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You guys!! I love how I'm practically updating every week!

Anyway, I hope y'all enjoy!


*1 week later*

It's been a full week now since I've sprained my ankle and I guess it's safe to say that since I was able to move my foot around without it hurting, my ankle has healed nicely. And I'm glad to because I've literally have been dying of boredom. I couldn't do anything, but lie down. Only thing that sucked about being bed/couch ridden was that I saw Taylor everyday that week. She constantly was making me jealous by being flirty with Shane or would talk about their memories. It was slowly killing me inside. I'm just now hoping that with my ankle healed, I can get away from TJ and her annoying self.

Anyways, I'd waken up naturally today, no one telling me to wake up or loud noises waking me. The sun was shining behind the closed curtains and the room was nice and warm due to the heater. I got out of bed and stretched while looking around the room with Sarah no where in sight.

Knock, Knock, Knock, Knock

"Come in." I hollared towards he door making my bed. I saw Shane coming in to what was an empty room. He was dressed in dark denim pants and an oatmeal color v-neck tucked in the front showing off his camel brown belt

"You look fancy." I said throwing my pillow on the other side of my bed.

"Gotta look good for my babe." He wrapped his arms around my waist kissing the back of my neck, making me almost melt. Thank god I didn't though.

"Yeah right." I shrugged him off. When really I wanted him closer.

"Ok,Ok. Mom said I should look good for my girl." He admitted.

"Busted." I nodded my head in laughter.

"Get ready. Breakfast is soon." Shane ordered making me roll my eyes.

Doing as he said I walked to the bathroom to find that I had a shadow. "Can I help you?" I swinged around stopping him in his place.

Startled he jumped in place then backed up."Making sure you don't fall."

"Well aren't you sweet." I said. Didn't he realize that my ankle has healed?

I applied toothpaste to my toothbrush and brushed my straight teeth.Two years of braces sure paid off. I then braided my hair to the side

"Are you done?" Shane complained.

"You know, you don't have to stay right?" I muttered

Ignoring him, I grabbed my makeup bag and decided to do light makeup today. I first applied my BB cream with my fingers, then patted concealer under my very dark circles, lined my eyes with eyeliner, then applied mascara. I couldn't help but notice Shane nodding and chuckling as I applied each product.

"Done." I chirped strutting out of the bathroom

"Finally." He sighed. "Why do girls even wear makeup?"

"So the world won't think we're ugly. ." I walked towards my bed.

"That's stupid. Everyone is beautiful inside and out." He said. I was expecting a laugh, but he was serious. Wasn't expecting him to be so sincere.

"Well tell it to the girls that wear a lot of make up." I joked as I pranced to my suitcase.

Shane grabbed my hand and pulled me around so I faced him. "That's stupid." He whispered. My blue eyes met his gray ones.I almost got lost in them.

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