Chapter 12: Birthdays & Breakfast

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Hey guys!! Please excuse the typos, if there's any. Didn't edit. Wanted to post this week's update already.

Dedicating this chapter to WRITINGISMONEY! Thanks for all your support!! <3

Hope y'all enjoy!


"Alli." I felt a nudge on my left arm.

"What?" I groaned.

"Wake up." Shane said.

"Why?" I attempted to open my eyes.

"Just come on." He said. I looked out the window to see that it's not even bright out.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"6." He answered.

"Why are you waking me up this early?" I groaned annoyingly.

"Meet us in the kitchen." Shane said.

"Why?" I asked suspiciously.

"Just do it and try not to wake up Stacy." And with that Shane was out of the room. I turned to see Sarah's bed unoccupied. What are these two up to this time?

No matter how long I could've slept, I just couldn't get my mind off of last night. I had a blast just spending time with Shane's family and friends. Although the thought of Shane hiding something yesterday was a bit distracting, but not enough that i didn't have a great time. My mind jumped back into reality and wondered why Shane woke me up so early. I decided to just get whatever it is they wanted to do over with. So I quietly pulled the door open and slowly walked passed Stacy's room, down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"Nice of you to finally help out." Shane said flipping a pancake.

"What's going on?" I asked looking at the food preparations.

"It's Stacy's birthday today." Sarah said squeezing half an orange, which she used to make orange juice.

"Oh cool." I smiled.

"Yeah, can you set up the dining table?" Shane asked nodding towards the plates on the counter.

"Sure thing." I said carrying the plates and utensils into the dining room. I set up seven places, since there was seven of us here.

"Shane get the decorations." Sarah ordered carrying the food into the dining room.

"Gotcha." Shane called out as he disappeared into the garage.

Shane came in with eleven pink balloons that read 'Happy Birthday' on them with a princess tiara and a bouquet of pink roses.

"Here. I'll put the roses in the vase." I said taking the flowers from Shane.

"Thanks." He said letting go of the boquet. "Quick, go get mom and dad, so we can wake up Stacy." Shane told Sarah.

I filled up the vase halfway with cold water and I cut the stems of the roses diagonally, then straight up. Once in arranged the roses in vase, I threw a pinch of sugar into the water because I heard it makes them live longer.

"Here, I'p got it." Shane took the vase from me and placed in the middle of the table. I helped him tape the balloons around the room and helped make the food look nice on display.

"Shane." Sarah called out, her tone sounded dry.

"What's wrong?" Shane asked as concerned filled his tone.

"Mom and dad aren't home." Sarah said quietly.

"What." Shane's eyes widened.

"They're not in the third level and the car's not in the driveway." Sarah said continuing her quiet tine.

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