Chapter 13: Understandings & Understatements

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Decided to post this week's chapter earlier because I'm gonna be busy with midterms this week so I figured I just get this out of the way!

Anyway I hope you guys enjoy!!


It was 6am the next day when I heard the front door opening. I waited for my vision to fuly focus before I actually decided to leave the room and see who was coming in or out of the house. But before I went downstairs, I peeked into Stacy's room and saw the girls sleeping side by side in Stacy's twin bed. Surprisingly they were both able to fit in it.

"Shane?" I heard Serena's voice echo up the stairs.

I peeked over the railing of the stairs to see Serena and Seth surrounding Shane as he awakens from his sleep.

"Son, why'd you sleep on the couch?" Seth asked.

"I'll ask the questions." Shane started. "Where were you guys yesterday?" He questioned.

"Sweetie. We're sorry we didn't notify you, but we had to leave early in the morning for our business meetings." Serena smiled in attempt to kiss Shane on the cheek, but failed when Shane dodged it.

"Looks like we're in trouble." Seth chuckled towards Serena.

"This isnt funny." Shane interrupted.

"Shane what's the big deal?" Serena asked.

"Yeah. I think you need to go back to sleep and wake up again." Seth laughed.

"Do you know what day it is?" Shane's voice raised.

Not wanting him to be spotted by the girls, I went into the living room to help calm him down. But it wasn't working.

"Shane. It's July 22." Seth said.

"Yeah July 22. The day that comes after one of the important days in your life." His voice raising. "Are you really that-"

"Shane." I cut him off. "The girls might hear you." I whispered.

"Shane if you have something to say, say it." Seth pushed.

"Are you really that arrogant, you can't think for yourself." Shane countered.

"Shane." Serena hissed. "Allison what's going on?" She looked at me. Not knowing what to do I looked at Shane.

"Better you tell them." Shane rolled his eyes and taking a seat back on the couch.

I swallowed my mouth and took a deep breath.I didn't know how this was going to affect them. I didn't know what their reaction would be.

"Alli?" Seth said. "Help us out." He narrowed his eyes.

"You missed Stacy's birthday yesterday." The words that left my mouth left Serena and Seth speechless.

"Happy?" Shane said.

"Of course not." Seth answered.

"I find that hard to believe." Shane retorted.

"Shane why on Earth would you say something like that? Why would we be happy about missing out on our baby girl's birthday? We love you kids." Serena said in a forgiving voice.

"You love us?" Shane laughed.

"Shane." I said trying to bring some sense into him.

"Of course we love you." Seth straigtened.

"So forgetting birthdays, not spending time with us, not praising or acknowledgin us. Is your way of showing you love us?" Shane spatted. "That's not love. Sounds more like you got stuck with us.The girls feel like they have to live with their parents not loving them" He finished.

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