Part 5

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It's the next morning, you really needed some sleep you went home early last night and hopped into bed. Your parents saw you come home and they were really relieved. I explained pretty much everything that happened at breakfast. They also agreed on the fact that we needed to report this to the police.

I finally arrived at school, the usual, and see Niall standing there talking to Quinn. You head over to see what was going on.

Niall: You better and I repeat better not hurt Y/N again.

You: What's going on? 

Niall: I was giving a piece of my mind to this skunk bag.

Quinn: Ugh, I would've gotten away with it if it weren't for you escaping, Niall would've crawled to me, am I right?

Niall: Are you serious? I would rather give up food than be with you EVER.

You: And we are reporting you to the police.

Quinn: What why would you do that?

You: Quinn you sometimes act so ignorant, you flipping kidnapped me and except me not to report it?

Quinn: You are such a b*tch, I swear--

You: I swear what? That you'll kidnap me again, you are so desperate aren't you? No man would ever want to date you, you psycho.

Quinn: *leaves*

Niall: So when are you going to report her?

You: Don't worry my parents already did.

The bell rings so it's time for school. Your first period is math. You daze off in the middle of class because you were just overwhelmed by what happened. 

7 hours later school was over and you just wanted to come home. You saw a police car outside of your house and you were guessing that they were talking to your parents about Quinn. You walked in and see that your parents are sitting at the dinner table with a cop. 

Mum: Oh good your home! Officer Pete here would like to talk to you about what happened between you and Quinn.

You: Hello Officer how are you today?

Officer Pete: I'm fine, I would just like you to tell me the whole story of what happened between you and Quinn.

You tell the whole story from when you were at the park all the way to when you escaped.

Officer Pete: Okay so we've never actually done this before but it's your choice to either put Quinn in jail for 20 years or a 800,000 thousand dollar fine. 

You later on asked Officer Pete if you could discuss this with Niall, he said sure so you rang up Niall. 

Niall: I think you should just put her in jail, 20 years without her bothering us. 

You: Yeah but doesn't that seem harsh?

Niall: She KIDNAPPED you and threatened to keep you there til you were dead!

You: True I guess your right.

You told Officer Pete that you wanted her to go to jail for 20 years. He nodded and said that he will be picking her up right now, but I had to come with him.

It took about 15 minutes to get there and you were kind of nervous to see Quinn. You walked up to her doorstep with Officer Pete and rang the doorbell. Quinn's mum opened the door. 

Quinn's mum: May I help you officer?

Officer Pete: Are you Quinn's mum?

Quinn's mum: Yes.

Officer Pete: May I see Quinn please.


I could hear footsteps coming from upstairs and I could see her walking down. She looked very nervous and freaked out. 

Officer Pete: Quinn Samson, you are under arrest.

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