Part 28

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You decided to sleep on what happened yesterday...hoping it was a dream. How could they do this to you? You called Niall discussing this whole issue.

Niall: Uh hey.

You: Hey, did you see what management wrote about us?

Niall: Yeah..

You: Well are we going to do anything about it or are we just going to sit here and let them do what they want?

Niall: Well actually management heard about the whole Ross thing so they twisted it and made it into this whole lie.

You:  About Ross attacking me?

Niall: Yeah but I tried to convince them not to do it, but they did it anyways.

You: What is so wrong about doing a Twitcam?'s not a crime.

Niall: I know but it's what they want. 

You: I DON 'T CARE! They completely ruined my life with that lie...couldn't we sue them?

Niall: Yeah but that means my and the boys' careers are OVER.

You sighed hoping this will just go away. 

You: Alright well I'll think of something...we'll think of something..bye.

You hung up. Your life is now a disaster. It's been weeks since this all happened. Management made sure that you and Niall were not seen together in public. The only places that you and Niall hung out were at his place, your place, or the other's places. 

You: ..we can't be together like this forever Niall. 

Niall: Yeah but this is our only option to be together.

You were getting sick of this. You were stuck in a place where it felt like you couldn't do anything. Every time you went in public, people would ask if it was true, you tried to convince them it was a lie but they still didn't believe you. 

About 3 weeks later you sat at despair. Your doorbell rang. You were expecting Niall to come over but once you opened the door it was Ross..again.

You: I thought I told you to stay away.

Ross suddenly took out a gun.

You: Ross what are you doing?

Ross: Now let me make this easier for you, either you take me again as your boyfriend or you will never be seen again.

You: Ross put that gun down, I don't have time for your little jokes and games.

Ross: Does this look like a joke to you? 

He was so close of pulling the trigger. You shut the door as fast as you could. The gun shot went right through the door. Thank goodness it didn't get you. You ran upstairs hoping your cellphone was there. You could hear Ross's footsteps coming up. You hid in your closet texting Niall and Harry to come to your house fast. He knew you were hiding in your closet so he opened it.

Ross: Any last words? 


Right then you were shot, right on the spot. You started to dim very slowly. Everything was black.  Was this the end?

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