Part 36

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So it's been about a month later and you and Niall have been fixing up the new home. Niall has been spending a lot of time doing the babies' room. You guys painted the walls white with blue and pink stripes. Today Niall wanted to make the beds so he went down the basement carrying loads of boxes full of supplies to make the bed.

You: Are u sure u don't need help?

Niall: Oh come on ur pregnant with twins u don't need to do all of this! 

So basically u sat there watching Niall make the beds.

Niall: Aww man I ran out of screws!

You: I can go get some at the hardware store if u want! 

Niall: Are u sure? You need some rest!

You: No seriously I can! 

Niall: Alright go! 

You ran to grab the keys and drove use self to the hardware store. Once u walked in u saw a girl with a familiar was Quinn.

Quinn: Oh hello, didn't expect to see u around..

You: Quinn what are u doing out of jail?

Quinn: Didn't u hear? My parents bailed me out..since u know, we're rich..;) Oh I see ur pregnant..

You: Okay look I don't want u in my life again, so don't bother me or the babies alright?

Quinn: Oh so u got twins?...

You: Just stay away from the and especially the babies.

Quinn: K, whatever.

You walked into the nails section to get a pack of screws and went home.

You: Niall I'm home! I've got the screws!

It was all silent...

You: NIALL?!

You ran upstairs to see what was going on. You walked into the babies' rooms to see Niall laying there surrounded by a pool of blood.

You: NIALL CAN U HEAR ME! You looked to see he was stabbed in the stomach with a knife. 

Then u saw a note next to him.

"You told me not to bother u and the babies, u didn't say anything about Niall. --Q" You crumpled the note into ur pocket and then called the ambulance. They got here in about 5 minutes and barged right in. They took a look to see if he was breathing but they said slightly. They put an oxygen mask over him moth and nose and took him right to the hospital. You texted the others the info while in the ambulance sitting right next to Niall. 

Once you've arrived they took him right in to try to keep him alive. You had to sit outside of the room on the bench. You started to cry. What if he doesn't make it? What if he dies? About 10 minutes later the whole gang arrived. Harry ran over to hug u and u cud see tears in his eyes too.

Harry: Its going to me okay! What exactly happened?

You: Qu--uin, she's back..

Eleanor: WHAT?! She did this?

You: Yes, I saw her today at the hardware store and I told her not to bother me and the babies, so she took it all out on Niall..

You showed everyone the note and they were furious..

After about 30 minutes of waiting the doctor came out. You ran over to hear what he had to say..

Doctor: Mrs. Horan, we've got some bad news..

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