Part 20

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It was the next morning and you didn't want to get up. You just laid in bed thinking of what your life would be like now. Your stomach started to growl so you went into your kitchen to get something to eat. Suddenly your doorbell rang. You looked at your clock and it was 7 am..who would come to your house so early? You simply walked over and opened your door..there stood Harry.

You: Harry what are u doing here? 
Harry: I had to see you..are u okay?
You: Yeah why wouldn't I be?
Harry: Well for starters you got dumped yesterday by your fiancée?
You:.. I know but it's fine..I think.
Harry: I just wanted to come over and apologize. If I hadn't kissed u, then u and Niall would still be together...I just couldn't stop myself...
You:'s um..would u like to eat something? 
Harry: No its fine I'm just going to head me later?
You: Alright..I will.

After a while you sat down on ur couch watching TV and eating cereal. You decided to call Niall to see if he was okay.

Niall: Hello?
You: Hey's it going?
Niall: I'm doing good..and u?
You: Same..well I just called to see if ur okay..
Niall: Yeah I'm 

Suddenly in the background you heard a voice...of a female..

Girl: Niall babe who is that?
Niall: Oh no one...I've gotta go..see ya later.

Was Niall already seeing someone? Your heart suddenly sunk. Tears started to stream down your face. How did he move on so quickly?
You thought this was the perfect time for you to call Harry.

Harry: Hey..u called a lot sooner than I thought.
You: Yeah but I have a problem..
Harry: What is it?
You: I think Niall is already seeing someone else..
Harry: Wait what? That fast? Why would u think that?
You: Well I just called him and there was a girl talking in the background and called Niall her "babe".
Harry: Are u sure he's seeing someone else or it could've been a friend..
You: I don't know..
Harry: It's going to be okay! Do u want to go out to lunch with me, Lou, and Eleanor?
You: Yeah sure, what time?
Harry: At 12, I'll come pick u up, okay?
You: Alright see u later!
Harry: Bye!

You ran into ur bathroom to take a shower. After u did, u blow dried ur hair and straightened it a little because it was a tad frizzy. You wore ur skinny jeans, sweater with a pink heart, and ur gray beanie. After a while u heard ur doorbell ring so u went to get it. You saw Harry standing there with a cheeky smile.

Harry: You ready? 
You: Yup, leggo!

You went to nice place to get lunch. You saw Louis and Eleanor at a table for 4 so u went over to them. You gave them both individual hugs. You ordered ur drinks and chilled for a while..until u saw Niall with..Demi Lovato. Niall also saw u so he came over and said hi to everyone. 

Niall: Oh and guys this is the one and only Demi Lovato..she's my girlfriend now.
Demi: Yup! Brb Niall gotta go get a new drink.

Your heart sunk even excused yourself and ran into the bathroom.
Once u got there u just sat there in despair. You could hear them talking.

Harry: Why the heck are u doing this Niall?
Niall: What?
Harry: Bringing Demi in front of Y/N!
Niall: Well at least I was cheating on her!
Louis: Niall, ur making me sick right now. I can't believe u would do this. Even u said urself u would never hurt a girl but u just did.
Niall: Oh shut up Louis..u can't tell me what I said!
Louis: But I just did!

Niall was about to hit Louis until u walked out.

You: I've had enough of this! Niall..I love u okay, but now I don't think I do. Now I'm kind of glad we broke up.
Niall: Well good cause I feel the same way!
You: Great now I think it's best u leave!
Niall: Fine! Demi? C'mon babe let's go.

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