Part 27

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Things have been going great with you and Niall. No drama, no interferences, the relationship is going great and smooth. Today you wanted to do a Twitcam since there was nothing else to do.

Basically you announced it on Twitter and fans were going nuts. You were excited that they were excited and hopefully there will be no hate.

You got all comfy making sure you don't look bad and it finally started. There were already 1,000 viewers on before you even started. 

You: Hey guys, how is everyone today?

It was quite awkward cause if felt like you were talking to yourself. You got lots of responses back saying "GREAT! Follow me!" or "OMG I LOVE YOU!!!!" and what not. Later on you heard your front door open.

You: Oh I think someone just came in...


You started to laugh and he just found out that you were doing a Twitcam.

You: How about you ask the fans yourself?

He blushed with embarrassment.

Niall: Sorry guys I didn't know that there was a Twitcam going on..uh can I talk to you for a second?

You had to excuse yourself.

Niall: I thought I already told you that you couldn't do a Twitcam...

You: I know but I don't think it's fair so I'm doing one no matter what...they can't force me not to.

Niall: Yeah but hey can force our break up..

You: No they can't! They can't break love!

Niall: You have no clue..they can.

You: Whatever I'm going to continue.

You went back to you bedroom and finished off your Twitcam. Niall didn't want to join cause he didn't want to get in trouble.

After it ended you got a call from management.

You: Hello?

M: Hello, I don't know if you ever got the news from Niall but you cannot do public live videos online.

You: Yes I did get that info, but why can't I?

M: Because you can't. I'm sorry ma'am but I don't specifically make these rules..I enforce them.

You: I don't care who made them..I can have as many public live videos as I want.

M: Yeah but there is bad news behind that, you and Niall can't be together now.

You: You can't control our relationship. You'r management aka manage the boys music career, not girlfriends.

M: I don't two are done, and we can make that happen. It's called media..anything can be in the media.

You: But not everything is true.

You finally heard them hang up. You didn't even care that much cause you and Niall are still together no matter what.

About 2 days later you went online to see a headline topic say, "Y/N and Niall breakup". Wait what?

You kept on reading the whole thing and media make you look TERRIBLE!

They said that you were cheating on Niall with another man so Niall forced the breakup. This cannot be happening. This is a joke right? You continued reading and everything, EVERYTHING was a lie. This is just a complete joke. Management was serious. You scrolled down to look at the comments:

1: Oh my gosh I can't believe this! And I just started to like her!

2: What a whore! Niall never deserved this!

3: Ugh I've hated her all along..thank God they broke up!

Every single comment was negative. Not one positive. 

You finally decided to get off the computer.

You: I can't believe this.

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