Part 25

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It was the next morning of your sleepover. Everyone wanted to go out for breakfast instead of you cooking. Everyone went home to change and met at the restaurant. Niall had already planned ahead and brought some clothes to change to so he just went and took a shower at your place. 

Right when you walked out there were already paparazzis taking photos. Niall grabbed your hand and you both ran to your car. 

Niall: Gosh, they don't quit do they?

You: Obviously not!

You guys arrived at the breakfast place and saw that Liam, Danielle, Zayn, and Perrie were already there.

You: Hey guys!

Everyone: Hey!!

You sat down next to Niall and ordered what you wanted. Next thing you know it Harry, Louis, and Eleanor came.

Louis: HEY EVERYONE! Sorry we're late..LOTS of pararazzis came over.

Liam: It's fine come sit!

You all got your food and suddenly you saw your ex boyfriend..Ross.

Ross: OMG Y/N is that you?

You: Oh hey what are you doing here?

Ross: Eating some breakfast and I see you are doing the same.

Niall came over and stood right next to you.

You: Oh Ross, meet my boyfriend Niall.

Ross: From One Direction? Wow Y/N I didn't know you could get the celebs.

Niall: But she yeah.

I could tell by Niall's tone that he was jealous of Ross.

Ross: me later Y/N? We need to catch up.

You: Yeah sure nice seeing you again!

Ross went in for a hug and then Niall let out a cough.

Ross: Alright bye!

You: Bye!

You turned to Niall.

You: That was quite rude.

Niall: I know right..he was disrupting our breakfast time!

You: Not Ross...YOU!

Niall: How was I rude?

You: Well I haven't talked to him in a while since we broke up and--

Niall: You were dating that scab?

You: DON'T CALL HIM THAT! He was really sweet..

Niall: Oh really..then why'd you break up with him?


Niall: What?

You: Okay I was a big fangirl over One Direction and then I saw you in the band and I went way too far and broke up with Ross.

Niall: Oh..umm..sorry.

You: It's okay..

Okay lets go finish our breakfast.

Eleanor: Y/N! Who was that?!

You: My ex-boyfriend...

Perrie: Really? Why did you guys break up? He seemed nice.

You: Umm..well..

Niall: How bout we finish and then talk about it later.

The girls decided to go shopping and invited you. You joined them and Niall and the boys actually had to go to the studio.

You spent the whole day at the mall and got some Starbucks. 

Perrie: So why'd you break up with your ex?

You: Okay this might sound quite stupid but I used to fangirl over the boys all the time..and I took it way too far and broke up with Ross cause I thought I would have a chance with one of them. 

Perrie: AWW t hat's so cute! 

You: It's so stupid! But I guess it was a good thing I did it cause I wouldn't be with Niall right now...

Perrie: That's very true haha!

You did LOTS of shopping so you decided to go home.

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