Part 38

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You: Niall! How are you feeling? I've missed you!

Niall: I'm doing fine babe, still hurt..

You: Aww well you do know who did this to you right?

Niall: Yeah Quinn..that..that..GAH!

You: What exactly happened??

Niall: Okay well about 15 minutes after you left I heard someone crash the window to your room. I thought it was just something that fell so I ignored it and went back to work. Suddenly I hear footsteps and thought it was you so I called your name. There was no response and the footsteps came closer I turned around and boom Quinn stabbed me with a knife.

You: That's terrible! This is all my fault!

Niall: Wait what? 

You: I saw her at the hardware store and told her not to bother me and the babies so she decided to take it all on you..

Niall: No it's not your fault! She's just a psycho.

You: Yes it is..

Niall: Don't blame it on yourself!

You: Alright but the good thing is you're still alive!

Niall: Yeah..

You guys basically sat there looking into each others eyes and holding hands. It felt like you were staring into his eyes for hours but it was only for a few seconds. You got interrupted by a knock on the door. 

Eleanor: Hey Y/N how are you doing? Niall you're awake!

You and Niall: Hey guys!

Louis: You're awake Niall! How are you feeling? What did Quinn exactly do to you?

Niall basically re told the story of what happened.

Louis: Dat skank! Don't worry Niall I've got myself my umbrella and I'm not afraid to use it!

You guys all let out a loud laugh..

Eleanor: Do you want me to text the rest and tell them you're awake?

Niall: Yeah go ahead!

After about half n' hour later the lads all arrived. 

Liam: Nialler! You're awake that's great!

Zayn: Yes great news!

Harry: This made me happy! 

You guys sat around Niall retelling the story again so everyone knew what happened..

Danielle: UGH! I can't stand her! 

Perrie: Why is she even out of jail?

You: Well I actually saw her at the hardware and asked her what she was doing out of jail. Apparently her parents bailed her out with LOTS of money.

Eleanor: Ugh seriously? 

You spent about an hour talking to Niall and the other lads. You guys also took turns going out to lunch. After everyone had finally eaten someone suddenly opened the door. You couldn't believe it. Quinn.

Harry: Why are you here?

Quinn: Why shouldn't I be?


Quinn: Oh just shut up! I'm here to see what Niall is up to.

You: Don't you dare.

Quinn: Dare what? It's not like I'm going to hurt him..;)

Eleanor: You are one messed up chick, you best be leaving right now!

Quinn: Or what?

Perrie: We're going to call the cops.

Quinn: Who cares, my parents would bail me out again anyways, we're filthy rich.

Zayn: I betcha your parents HATE you right now. You're just a jealous freak who murders people.

Quinn: No they don't and I'm not a murderer, I haven 't killed anyone.

You: You've attempted 4 times. You're just a failure in life.

Quinn: You know what? I don't care about your opinion, you're just a whore, you're even pregnant! 

You could tell Niall was about to get up and give her a piece of his mind but you stopped him. Instead Danielle went in for a punch and literally smashed her.

Quinn: Oh now that's how you wanna play. 

Quinn was about to go in for a punch at Danielle but Liam stopped her.

Liam: One finger on here and you will no longer have fingers.

Quinn: Whatever, I'll be leaving now.

She walked right out with her sassy little butt.

Perrie: Gosh I hate her.

You: Who doesn't?

Louis: Satan, that's who...

You all laughed as the lads had to go home. After all of them have left it was just you and Niall. 

Niall: I think u shud go home, u need a comfy bed to rest on!

You: No Niall, I'm staying here with u until you're out of ur coma! 

Niall: But you'll be tired! C'mon go home!

You: No, I know you'd do the same for me so I'm going to do the same for you!

Niall: Alright, alright...

You watched Niall while he was sleeping. You stroked his hair and kissed his forehead. His skin was so soft..

You suddenly fell asleep having a dream about you and Niall.. You guys were walking down the street until u saw Quinn and Ross together. The came over to u two and stabbed both of u and Niall. It was horrible but u couldn't wake up..

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