Part 13

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Huh? What's going on? You open your eyes to see your in the hospital. You saw the boys surrounding you.

You: What happened?

Harry: You tried to overdose on pills but luckily Liam walked in to bring you to he hospital.

Zayn: Why would you do this Y/N? You shouldn't risk your life like that!

Liam: We were worried sick!

You: I'm sorry, okay! I went all crazy because I was upset. 

Louis: It's okay, we told Niall about it and he was quite worried you know.

You: Really??

Harry: Yes and so were we!

You: I'm sorry guys! I'll try not to do it again.

It was silent for quite a while...

You: So when is Niall able to get out of the hospital? 

Liam: Tomorrow morning and so are you. 

You: I have to stay overnight? Oh great!

Harry: It's okay, we can stay if you want.

You: No no, you guys need your comfort and rest so you can go back to the hospital.

Zayn: But--

You: No really guys it's okay, I'll head off to sleep in no time, don't worry! Come on go on now!

Louis: You heard the lady! LET'S GO!

The boys started to laugh at Louis cause they know he's just hungry.

You lay there for about an hour still not able to sleep, suddenly you hear a knock on the door. 

You: Who is it?

Niall: It's Niall! *opens the door*

You: Niall what are you doing out of bed!

Niall: I had to come and see you so I asked the nurse if I could and she said yes. It took a while to get her to but I don't take no for an answer!

You: *laugh* So how are you feeling?

Niall: I should be asking you that. Why would you do that?

You: Do what?

Niall: Overdose! Why??

You: Because...I didn't want to live knowing that you don't remember me and the thing we did together.

Niall: But that doesn't mean you should risk your life! 

You: I know I know...

Niall: Well you need some rest so go to sleep, I'll be in my room if you'll need me.

You: Thanks ba--I mean thanks Niall.

Niall: No problem, goodnight!

You: Goodnight :)

It was the next morning and it was time for you and Niall to go back to the hotel. The boys had to rehearse all day for the LA show and get back into game. Niall pretty much performed like he did before the accident. 

About a week later you had to go back home since the LA showings were over. You gave your goodbyes to all the boys and left to go to your flight. You thought back "Wow Niall will never remember me he same way he did before the accident." You knew you had to get revenge on Quinn for causing this whole mess but you didn't know how. 

You got updates on Niall's appointments but no results of remembering me. Weeks and weeks of appointments and still no results. The doctor said it might be possible he will not remember me. You started to cry. You didn't want this to happen. You knew that there had to be someway he would remember you. But you didn't know how. 

Weeks and weeks have gone by and you the boys are now in London, your hometown. You got a call from Louis.

You: Hello?

Louis: Y/N, you need to come over now. 

You: What why?

Louis: Just come over to my place okay?

You were very worried, what's going on?

You walked in the room to see Liam, Zayn, Louis, and Harry.

You: What's going on?

Liam: Come sit down.

You: *sits on couch* What's going on guys, I'm quite scared right now.

Harry: Today Niall went to one of his appointments.

You: ..And?

Zayn: The doctor tried some new theories in memory loss to see if it would help Niall.

Liam: And the doctor is quite sure he remembers you now.

You: What?? You're kidding right? Like..what? How do they know?

Louis: Well they did this theory where you sit down and they say words and you have to say something that pops in your head.

Liam: And we gave the doctor a list that might help him remember you.

You: Where is he now??

Zayn: And that's another reason why we wanted you to come here.

You started to get confused.

Liam: He's at the park right now waiting for you.

You ran with no doubt to the park and saw Niall sitting on the bench.

You: NIALL!!

Niall: Y/N!!!

You gave him a hug and you didn't want him to let go. You started to cry because of how happy you were that he got his memory back. 

You: I-I can't believe that you remember me.

Niall: I couldn't believe it either. The doctor said keywords to me that might help me resolve my memory and suddenly I had moment flashbacks of you and me and then boom I remembered everything.

You: I-I can't believe it. I'm so glad you're back! I love you so much.

Niall: I love you too, forever.

He leans in and passionately kisses you for long seconds.

Our Keepsake (Niall Imagine)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ