Part 32

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2 weeks have passed.

Today is the day. The day where you can feel beautiful with the person you love. You woke up to see Niall laying right beside you.

You: Niall? Wakeeeee upppp! 

He immediately woke up with a bright glow in his eyes and a wide smile.

Niall: Today is the ready?

You: You know it!

You went into the bathroom to take a quick shower. Your dress was over at Eleanor's because you didn't want Niall to see you in your dress, hair, and makeup yet until you walk down the aisle. You drove to Eleanor's and the other girls were already there. 

Eleanor: Hey there bride! How do you feel?


Perrie: That's great! Let's get you ready!

You first did your hair and makeup. Perrie wanted to do your makeup and Eleanor wanted to do you hair. Danielle was going to help you in your dress and fix you up if you needed it. Starting with makeup you tried to go for a more elegant look but not too much. You put white on the lid and brown in the crease. You also had a nice lovely pink lipstick on. You had blush on as well even though you probably wouldn't need it cause you'll be blushing all day. You had everything else on your face. Finally Eleanor took out the curling iron.

Eleanor: Bringing out the bullet.

You: Haha go for it!

After about half an hour of curling and another half an hour of stuffing bobby pins up your head you ended up looking something like this:

Eleanor: What do you think?


Perrie: Or amazayn...

You: Haha yes!

Danielle: Ready to wear the dress?!

You: Oh you betcha!

You went and put on your dress. You looked at yourself  in the mirror

You: ...I..I look..beautiful.

Danielle: Don't you always?

You started to blush and helped the bridesmaids get ready. They all looked gorgeous with their dresses with makeup and hair done.

Eleanor: Well..this is it. You're going to get married!

You: Oh yeah..nervous..excited..GAH!

After about 4 hours of prepping it was time to arrive at the church. It was gorgeous. You had to sneak into the back so Niall wouldn't see you yet. You walked in to see your parents standing there.

You: MUM..DAD!

Parents: Y/N! 

The both gave you hugs.

Mum: You look...beautiful hun!

Dad: You..look stunning.

You: Thanks!

Dad: Well the ceremony will start in about half an hour so go sit down and rest for a while.

You nodded and went into the room where you and the bridesmaids had to be.

Danielle: Oh my just look incredible! I can't get over it!

You: Thanks!

Your stomach started to hurt because wayyy too many butterflies were bubbling inside of you. You kept calm and it felt better. You remembered that today Harry brought his date, Charlotte. I allowed her to be a bridesmaid if she wanted. She couldn't accept but I finally got her to. Harry said that she and him will get ready together.  Charlotte knocked on the door and finally walked in.

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