Part 30

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Hours have passed and Niall is still sitting by you. 

You: Niall you don't have to stay with me, you can go home.

Niall: No I want to, truly.

You: Are you sure? At least go get something to eat!

Niall: Ah I'm not that hungry...

You: For real? You're always hungry..

Niall: Yeah..I'm for real haha.

It was about 11 pm and you decided you wanted to go to sleep. Niall said that he'll watch over you. You fell asleep right away with Niall's hands in between yours. You keep having the dream with you and Niall in the wheat field and the tornado coming towards you two. You didn't know exactly what this dream meant but you really didn't care.

You woke up pretty early. It was 8 am and Niall was still asleep. His head was leaning forwards towards your stomach. It kind of hurt but you didn't care. He still had his hands in yours just like the last time you saw it. You couldn't really move because you didn't want to wake him up. You kind of just watched him and with your other hand you stroked his hair. You kind of smiled. 

You: Are you awake?

Niall: Yeah I just woke up when you were touching me.

You: I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you!

Niall: No it's okay really, plus I accidentally fell on your stomach.

You: No it's okay really, it was comforting ;)

Niall: Well let's get ready to go home okay?

You got all your stuff and Niall drove you home. Your stomach actually hurt a lot. You took peek and saw bandages all over your stomach. 

Niall: Babe it's going to be okay, it'll recover.

You: Yeah hopefully fast, it hurts. 

Niall tucked you in bed at home and he stayed with you all day. Later on the doorbell rang and then the others came. They ran in super face to your room.

Eleanor: Y/N!! You made me worried sick! Are you okay???

You: I'm fine, don't worry El!

Liam: Thank goodness you're okay, my heart was in pain just hearing about it.

You: Thanks guys for worrying I'm okay, I'll recover it's just my stomach hurts a lot..really it's okay!

The others decided to stay with you as well and you just laid there basically all day. You were still scared about the media so you went on your laptop. The headline was talking about you and Niall. Niall had an interview a yesterday and you clicked play. 

Interviewer: So Niall did Y/N really cheat on you?

Niall: Actually no. And I'm going to tell the truth here. Y/N did a Twitcam yesterday and she wasn't allowed to, according to our management team. The team said if any of our girlfriends did one then they wouldn't allow us to be together. She said that there isn't a possible way they could come between us but they did. That whole story is false. Everything management said in that story was FALSE.

Interviewer: Okay not that is clear let's talk about your new album coming up....

You stopped the interview and was relieved that was out. Another headline was there and it was about you being shot. You didn't want to read what they said so you just turned off your laptop. 

After about an hour the others left and Niall came in and told you that he needs to go back home and change and he told me to wear something fancy, like a dress and meet him outside in an hour. 

You got up immediately after he left and got dressed in a floral spring dress. You fishtailed your hair to the side. You walked out to see Niall in khakis and button up.

Niall: You look...beautiful.

You: Thanks, not so bad yourself ;)

He drove you out to someplace you've never seen. He later on  kissed you and said to stand in this area. You stood there not knowing what to expect. You were actually quite scared. What's going on?

After about 2 minutes you got a text from Niall saying look at the blimp. There was a blimp floating and it had huge letters. The letters read, "Y/N will you marry me? - Niall x" You had a huge grin on your face. Niall is proposing to his wife! About 5 seconds later Niall came running toward you. He smiled and he could tell your read the blimp. Niall knelt down.

Niall: I'm sorry if this was a bad proposal but I did the best I could...I..I love you Y/N. I love the way you smile when you're happy, you laugh when you're excited, your eyes when your in the sunlight, and most importantly I love you for being Y/N..would you like having the honor to be Mrs. Horan..will you marry me?

You nod simultaneously. He smiled and placed the beautiful ring on your finger. You gave him a huge hug and a kiss.

Niall: So Mrs. Horan, would you like to come join me for dinner? 

You: I'd love to...:)

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