Part 41

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It was the morning and you were sleeping in the guest room. You and Niall never really have gotten into fights like these where you ignore each other and stay in separate rooms. 

You decided that it's time to end this because what were we really fighting over anyways?

You walked into Niall's room to see him sitting there texting someone.

You: Niall? Can we talk?

Niall: Yeah sure...

You: Niall, I'm sorry for not being cautious and almost risking the babies lives, I'm very sorry for being clumsy and what not...

Niall: It's okay, I overreacted WAYYY too much, I just got a little carried away, I mean they are going to be my children and the first of many..and I didn't want to lose that.

You felt really bad because you knew that Niall always wanted a kid, even when he was really young.

Niall: So...does that mean makeup kiss?

You: Hahaha suree..

He went in for a peck and then released.

You: Wait, I have one more question..was that chick last night really your ex?

Niall: Oh yeah, I was at the bar, got a little too drunk and she saw me and I asked for a ride home. Nothing more..nothing less.

You: Okay alright and I'm sorry I overreacted with that too..

Niall: It's cool, I mean I would do the same if a guy was with you at a bar..

Today you guys wanted to go to the grocery store. You both went to the nearby little market to pick up some food since Niall already ate most of it!

You: Okay I'm going to go to get some eggs, need anything?

Niall: Not really..

You walked over to the egg section to get a dozen of eggs. 

Girl: Y/N? Is that you?

You turned around to see Niall's cousin, Emma once again.

You: Emma! Hey how's it going?

Emma: I'm doing good! I'm soooo sorry I couldn't make it to your wedding! I was literally halfway across the world! Omg, and I see your pregnant! Boy or girl?

You: It's really fine haha! Yes, and we're having both, we have twins!

Emma: No! Omg that's great! I'm so happy for you guy! Where's Niall?

You: Thanks! And he's near the cereal section!

Emma: Oh darn that's like halfway across the store! I have to go anyways, tell Niall I said hi and congrats? Nice seeing you again Y/N!

You: Sure! Nice seeing you too Emma!

Emma was probably one of the nicest girls ever. She's such a sweetheart.

You walked back with the eggs, you could tell Niall was making a big decision whether or not to get frosted flakes or Lucky Charms. He finally chose to get Lucky Charms, you know, since he's Irish!

Niall: Okay got everything?

You: Yup, how about you?

Niall: Yup! Leggo!

You guys went to cash out all the food and  went back home. You went home onto your front doorstep to see a package...who's this from?

Niall: Who's that for?

You: For me...but I don't know who it is from..

You took it inside and got your knife to cut open the box. You saw a letter. It was from Ross' parents.


Dear Y/N,

This box contains all the items that you have given to Ross. I would like to return it all to you ASAP. If you have any belongings from Ross that you'd like to return, please do ship it to us.


Mr. and Mrs. Sheffield

You opened the box to see ALL of the belongings that you had given Ross, even a picture of yourself. You felt so bad for him.

Niall: Well I think you should like burn all that stuff, I mean ROSS TOUCHED IT!

You started to laugh knowing how much Niall despises Ross. 

(Okay now we're going to switch to a little bit of Harry and Charlotte, just for a little bit!)

Harry's POV:

I CAN'T STAND THIS DOING THIS ANY LONGER! I've can't hide my emotions for Y/N anymore. I've loved her for a very long time and I try to hide it but every time I do it seems to get Y/N and Niall closer. THEY'RE MARRIED NOW! They've been married and are having kids. 

I sat down on my couch thinking what I'll do. I don't want to break up Y/N and Niall, I need to get over her. She belongs with Niall and I will never break them apart. 

Charlotte: Harry? Are you in here?

Harry: Yeah I'm over here in the living room.

You invited Charlotte over to have some more time to get to know her better since you needed to get your mind off Y/N.

Charlotte: Hey, why so sad?

Harry: Oh I'm just tired, didn't get enough sleep last night.

You spent the whole day cuddling with Charlotte. I love Charlotte but I don't know if I love her more than Y/N. Every time I see Niall and her together it makes me sad, that I'll never be Niall. 

After Charlotte left you thought more about what you and Y/N have gone through. Like the great times you've had. You even introduced Y/N and Niall, thinking it wouldn't harm you in life but now it did. 

After about an hour of thinking you couldn't take this pain any longer. You walked into the bathroom and decided today was the day. You opened the cabinet to see if there were any sharp objects. Then you saw that there was a pocket knife. You decided that from now on you'll be cutting. 

You've heard that it relieves you and would make you feel better.

Harry: Okay, here we go.

You took the knife and cut it slightly, not wanting it to be deep.

First you felt a tingle of pain, then you felt relieved. You started to do this everyday.

(Now back to your POV)

Your POV:

You searched through your stuff to see if there were any things of Ross you had to send back. You saw that here was nothing and that you've returned everything to him after you guys broke up. 

This summer was super stressing. Your quite lucky you got through all of this. 

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