Part 6

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You saw the fear in Quinn's eyes.

Quinn: What do you mean you're going to take me to jail?

Officer Pete: You are take to jail for a 20 year amount of time for kidnapping and threatening to risk someone's life.

Quinn's mum: Kidnapping and assaulting someone? Quinn what are you--

Quinn: Mum please stop!

Officer: And the person you have kidnapped, Ms. Y/N here, was given a choice to either fine you 800,000 dollars or put you in prision for 20 years.

Quinn: Please, Y/N, please just fine me the 800,000 dollars, please I'm begging you.

You: Oh and you thought I wasn't kidding when I said I was going to report you to the police. You have tortured me since the 3rd grade, and now you want me to forgive you? 

Quinn: Please I'll do anything, please just fine me the money okay?

You: When you say "anything" what do you really mean?

Quinn: ANYTHING! I will stop bothering you and Niall and you won't even know I exist just please release me.

You thought and thought. You still didn't trust her. You knew she wasn't going to suffer the consequences from the fine since her family is filthy rich. You finally decided.

You: Sorry Quinn but that fine won't punish you enough, you need to learn your lesson so....Officer Pete, take her.

They take Quinn to the police car. There goes her life. She is now stuck in jail for the next 20 years.

You head home and called Niall.

Niall: Hey babe, did they take Quinn?

You: Yup, and she won't be bothering us for the next 20 years. :)

Niall: Finally! I sorta feel bad for her but that's what she gets, am I right?

You: You're right, hey wanna come over to my house we can watch a movie, I mean it's not a school night so why not?

Niall: Sure I'll be therei n 15. See ya babe.

You: See ya :)

15 minutes later Niall came and we cuddled on the couch and watched Valentine's Day. It was so romantic. Suddenly you got a phone call. You went over and picked it up.

You: Yeah hello?

Quinn: Hello

You: Quinn? What do you want now.

Quinn: I'm just here to tell you that you'll regret putting me in jail. I don't care if I have to wait 20 years, but you get revenge.

You: There is no revenge, you kidnapped me and nearly could've killed me. If anyone was getting revenge it would be me.

Quinn: You will regret this. *hangs up*

Niall: Was that Quinn?

You: Yeah she said I'm gonna regret putting her in jail and she will get her revenge.

Niall: Don't worry babe I'm going to protect you, no one will hurt you. :)

The next day you wake up in the morning in Niall's arms. He looked so perfect sleeping. You didn't want to bother him so you let him cuddle you while sleeping. You are very emotional so you start to cry because your relationship with him is perfect. You never want to change anything. You regret nothing. No one could pull you two apart.

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