Part 15

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It was the next morning and you felt so bad for ruining Perrie's birthday party so you rang her up.

Perrie: Hello?

You: Hey Perrie, I'm so sorry about what happened yesterday with the whole Quinn issue.

Perrie: Nah it's fine! It was quite a show to see Quinn go to jail!

You: Haha quite frightening for me actually! I wanna make it up to you so you wanna go shopping today? I'll buy you anything you want!

Perrie: No that's not neccessary!

You: Come on! It'll be fun!

Perrie: Sure! I'll come over in 30 minutes! 

You: Okay see ya there!

You go get ready and put on some cute casual clothing. You go put some makeup on, fixed your hair, and made sure you had money and your phone in your purse. Someone rang the doorbell and you figured it was Perrie.

*opens door*

You: Perrie! Hi! You look great!

Perrie: Thanks! You you look amazing yourself!

You hopped into Perrie's car and drove away to the mall. It was HUGE! The insanely big! You didn't know where to start until Perrie suggested Urban Outfitters. You two LOVED that place. You walked in to see many options of clothing you didn't even know where to start! You and Perrie had a lot of fun going into the dressing rooms and changing into the most whacky things you could find. Perrie wanted to get this adorable sweater so you decided to check it out for her. You both walked out of the store and not a suprise, paparazzis ran over and took snapshots of you guys. You both started laughing and tried to run away. Fans and fans ran over for pictures and autographs. You loved them so much! 

You finally got out of the crowd and went to get something to drink. You headed to Starbucks and you just got the plain Starbucks Mocha Frappachino. 

After you got your drinks you went to Topshop. It was probably your favorite place to shop! You walked in and again paparazzis! 

Perrie: *whispers* Oh here we go again!

You: *whispers* I know!

Some paparrazzi comes up and talks to you guys.

Paparazzi: So how are Niall and Zayn doing?

You & Perrie: They're great.

Paparazzi: Oh well I heard Niall is recovering from the accident, is he doing better?

You: Yeah he's doing great getting a lot better and most of his memory is back.

Paparazzi: That's great that's great! 

Both: Yupp....

It was quite awkward. Then fans started to join the paparazzis and take LOTS of snapshots. You were sure of it that its going to be all over Twitter by tomorrow. Later on you overheard a conversation of two teens. They were talking about Niall and said something really harsh. You've gotten alot of hate already by fans because of you and Niall.

Girl #1: OMFG I can't believe Y/N is with Niall, I mean she's not even pretty. Like is he blind or something?

Girl #2: Yeah IK! I mean it's bad enough that Liam, Louis, and Zayn have gfs, but now Niall? AND HE'S DATING AN UGLY SLUT.

Tears started to stream out of your eyes and you ran out. Perrie ran after you and you ran outside to their car.

Perrie: What's wrong?? 

You: Haters. Haters that's whats wrong! 

Perrie: Were there haters in there??

You: Yeah I overheard 2 teens saying something rude about me and also added you, Eleanor, and Louis.

Perrie: It's okay, you'll get used to it soon! Come on let's bring you home.

You finally arrived home and thanked Perrie for driving you there and home. 

You ran into your bedroom and saw that your Twitter mentions were going crazy. Some of them included

"OMFG you're such a baby for crying just because paparazzis were around you."

"Wow you're such a hoe you don't deserve Niall"


You started to cry even more and you just jumped into bed hoping this day can just go by faster. You finally cried yourself to sleep, that's all you wanted right now.

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