Part 37

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Doctor: Mrs. Horan, we've got some bad news.


You: Wait what? What do you mean bad news? TELL ME!

Doctor: Alright, alright how about we start with the good news, Niall is okay.

You: Okay, okay then what is the bad news?

Doctor: He will be in a coma for days maybe even weeks.

You felt a sudden sink in your heart. A coma? For that long? You couldn't even last a day without him being with you and now maybe even weeks?

You: Okay..alright thanks doctor. May I go see him?

Doctor: Sorry, I can't--

You: PLEASE?! I'm his wife I have the right to see him!

Doctor: Alright, only one person at a time..

You immediately sprinted in to see Niall laying there will his eyes shut and wires attached basically everywhere. He was laying there will bandages on you stomach.

Doctor: He has lost quite a lot of blood so we had to add some back to him. He's lucky he's even alive. 

You started to sob holding his hand. This was basically the second time this summer he could have died and both times were because of Quinn. You knew immediately you had to do something about her but first you wanted to make sure Niall was going to be okay. He wanted to stay with him all day and night to make sure that you were the first person he sees when he opens his eyes. 

About 2 days have passed and still no sign of him waking up. Nothing at all. He hasn't even moved or budged. Harry rung you up to say that he will be coming to the hospital to watch Niall cause I needed to go home and rest. I declined but Harry wanted me to be rested and fed so I accepted. 

Harry arrived about 10 minutes after he called and he just went right in. 

Harry: No sign of him being awake?

You: Nope, nothing..

Harry: Okay, alright, now you need to go home! You've been here for 3 days straight! You're even wearing the same clothes!

You: I know and I really don't care but whatever it takes for me to see Niall.

Harry: Okay, well go home, shower, and brush your teeth cause dang girl you smell!

You started to laugh and you haven't laughed since you were with Niall.

You walked right out and got a cab since you don't necessarily have a ride. 

You got home and still saw the blood stain on the floor in the babies' bedroom. Tears filled your eyes and you just went right into the bathroom and took a shower. Basically the whole time there you were thinking about Niall. You wanted him to be safe. You finally got out of the shower, got changed, and brushed your teeth. Harry was right, I smelled! 

You drove immediately back to the hospital. You walked in to see Harry sitting there reading a magazine while watching Niall.

You: Hey I'm back.

Harry: Oh yay, and you don't smell bad!

You: Oh shut up!

You both laughed and sat down on a chair. Harry wanted to stay a bit longer. 

Harry: I'm so sorry about this happening..I can't believe she's back. She wanted to murder you twice and Niall twice. Like what is this?

You: I don't know but we need to do something about her..

Harry had to leave and go back home because he and Charlotte had a dinner date. 

You: Alright bye have fun!

Harry: Thanks you too! And if you need anything text or call me!

You: Alright bye!

You went back to looking at Niall. He hasn't woken up since he got stabbed and you were quite eager to see him. You were emotional so you basically put your head in you hands and started to sob again. You sobbed for about 5 minutes until you felt something touch your hand. You looked up to see Niall smiling.

You: Niall, you're awake!

Niall: Hi beautiful. :)

Our Keepsake (Niall Imagine)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang