What Are The Odds (One Direction FanFiction)

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*Maddy's POV*

          The sound of my alarm filled the room. I opened my eyes and hit snooze. The light from the morning sun was slowly taking over my room. This morning was unusually quiet. Every morning my parents would wake me, or Ryan would. I couldnt hear anything but the faint sound of birds chirping outside my window. I let out a small moan and tossed back the covers. As i made my way to my closet, The doorbell sounded.

"Ryan! Door!" I screamed.

No reply. Not even a "Shut up!" or a "You get it!". Nothing but silence.

"Ryan? Mom? Dad?" I asked.

The doorbell sounded again. I grabbed my robe and slipped it on as i made my way downstairs. It rang again.

"Im coming, Im coming. Dont get your panties in a twist." i yellled.

I opened the door to find my brown hair green eyed best friend. Sarah.

"Maddy! Um.. Why arent you dressed?" she asked walking inside.

"Well come on in." I said.

She walked over to my couch and plopped down. Grabbing the remote she flicked on the TV and patted the spot next to her.

"I dont bite." She said.

I chuckled and sat down next to her. We sat there for 2 hours just talking and watching our favorite show.

"Oh my god! He did not just do that! That messes everything up! She has worked so hard to get it that way and what do you do? You mess it alllll up!" Sarah screamed at the TV.

I found this very amusing. When wasnt it funny when your friend was screaming at the TV? I gave her a look and she returned it.

"What?" she asked. "It makes me mad how Stefen can do that to Emily! She just lost her mom and he goes and does what? Kidnaps her father! I mean what is wrong with him. Tell me your not the slightest bit upset?"

"Im not upset. Im amused." i said.

"Ha ha. Very funny." She sang.

"It is." I replied.

We sat through another episode, Until she got hungry. She was always hungry, and i just realised i hadnt eaten all day. Sarah grabbed the take-out menu we had on the fridge.

"Oooooh! This sounds good! Wait, No this! Ooooooh but i love this!" She exclaimed.

"If you want the whole menu, By all means. Get it." i said.

I really didnt care what she ordered or how much she did. I wasnt hungry so i shouldnt have a say in what she orders if im not gonna eat it.

"Phone?" she asked.

"You have one." i replied.

"Died. Wheres yours?"

"Upstairs, On my pillow." I said.

"Okay!" she hollered as she ran upstairs.

She came back down with my phone in her hand. She grabbed the menu and ordered almost everything.

"Great. Thanks!" she said.

She hung up the phone and tossed it to me.

"45 minutes they said."

"Okay.." i replied.

"Arent you hungry?" she asked.

"No.. Not really.." i replied.

Just then the doorbell rang.

"Whoa! More like 45 seconds!" Sarah screamed. "Im hungry! Give me my foooood!" she yelled.

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