Chapter 21:Trapped

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After school, strangely enough, he saw none of his friends."Where are they?"When his phone suddenly has a "beep" sound.

Seokjin sighed, walk straight towards the hunting field.

Once he reaches there, he saw no one.

"Hobi?" Seokjin called out, no response.

Seokjin decided to wander around, trying to find a trace of his friend's scent. Maybe he hasn't arrived yet.

Suddenly a loud thud can be heard from the storeroom, startling Seokjin. Seokjin cautiously approaches it, when saw a key to the hole. He decided to twist it maybe is a lost animal that got trapped inside by accident.

Once he opened it, he was pushed inside and the door was locked again but with him inside! The room was only lit by a small window, he saw movements somewhere in the dark.

Seokjin's breath quicken, so is this how he is gonna die, by a ferocious animal.

Then it emerges from the shadows none other than Kim Taehyung, Seokjin tried to breathe normally, but due to his phobia, he can't.

Taehyung looks like he is talking but Seokjin can't make out a word he is saying. The room is spinning, are the walls getting smaller! millions of thoughts rushed to Seokjin's head once he realised he is trapped, Seokjin can feel he is getting harder and harder to breathe. Taehyung is now nothing but a blurry blonde mess to Seokjin.

That's when Seokjin leg gave out and when was about to fall on his butt he was caught in between something warm. Taehyung caught him in a nick of time.

Taehyung P.O.V
When Jimin texted me to come here and threaten me to come here, then he pushes me inside this storeroom.

When I heard the little Wolfie shouted, I quickly hit the door hoping he would hear. When he opened it I was about to rush out when he was pushed in too and the door was a lock once again.

"Great we are both stuck in here, can't you at least tell the teacher. The door is magically sealed which means I can't use my power on it to unlock it. How are we gonna get out..." I stopped when I hear heavy breathing from behind, I turned around to see Seokjin hyperventilating clutching his shirt tightly.

When I saw his leg finally giving out, I quickly rush there and catch him. He clutches on to me tightly, still hyperventilating. I gently let him sit down on the storeroom floor, he still clutching on me tightly. I patted his back, rubbing comforting circles. That seemed to calm him down a bit he is not hyperventilating as much as before.

We are in a weird position, him sitting on my laps while I hold him right under his arms him doing the same action while his head on my shoulder. He finally stopped hyperventilating and fell asleep.

I really don't want to move, I don't want to wake him up again, Maybe I really have fallen for him. Taehyung said putting my chin on top of Seokjin's head, sleep engulfing me.
Seokjin woke up to seeing nothing, but he was leaning on something. His head feeling heavy but chose to ignore it. He needs to know where he is first, he tried squirming around but to no avail, something is constricting him.

The squirming cause a groan to sound near Seokjin, his head suddenly feel lighter. Seokjin look up to see Taehyung,
"Are you feeling better now," Taehyung asked, Seokjin just nodded, his face reddened.

"Good please get off of me now," Taehyung said, Seokjin finally realising he was straddling on Taehyung's lap while he was grasping on Taehyung's shirt tightly. Making his face redder if that is possible even making his ears red.

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