Chapter 40:A trip down MemoryLane PT2

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Here we go...Prepare your tissue. I cried writing this...maybe it's just me.😅😅

Seokjin continued to meet with Taehyung for the next 3 years but meet "Epiphany" when he was 9.

Today they meet again but when he returned his aunt and uncle was already there, waiting with a displeased look.

"Where did you go Jinnie?"His aunt voice tone flat.

" I-I..."Seokjin tried to come up with an excuse, that's when Hoseok appeared beside Aunt Inna with a tear-stained face.

"I-I am s-so sorry J-Jinnie, they forced me tot-tell them everything!" Hoseok said in a shaky tone as he controlled himself not to cry again.

"What did I tell you about staying away from Vampires!? They are no good monster that will lead you astray!" Aunt Inna scolded him.

Seokjin got angry, "Hey! They are nothing like that! They are kind and nice!"Seokjin countered.

Aunt Inna and Uncle gasped," You got brainwashed!"

"What! No!"

"See you are going against us."With that Hoseok's dad grabbed Seokjin's by the arm harshly and drag him into a small storage room. Seokjin putting his small hands on Hoseok's da big hand to try and loosen his grip so he could escape.

And literally, throw Seokjin inside.

" That's where boys who don't behave until our punishment is done! You will stay here! "Hoseok's dad shouted angrily, slammed the door and locked it tight so there is no one of him escaping.

Seokjin remembered the incident with the wild animal and his mind illusioned it to be at the corner of the storage room, growling at him. Seokjin got terrified thinking it was real and tried to run out," Let me out! I will behave! Pls, let me out. "He screamed at the top of lungs.

He can't control the tears running down his face as his throat sent dry from shouting as he little fist was swollen from banging the door so someone can open it, eventually, he passed out of exhaustion.

When he woke up, he was in his bed.

" you finally woke up!"Hoseok voice sounded beside him, "Hobi?"

"I am really sorry Jin! I am such a horrible friend."Hoseok apologises as he hugged Seokjin tightly.

" So you finally wake up," His aunt said in a cold tone.

Seokjin gulped, afraid of what she might do.

"I want you to break up whatever relationship you have with that vampire, tell him you will never see him again! Understood?" Aunt Inna said harshly.

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