Chapter 24.5:The kiss that decide it all or nah?

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Seokjin groans and wanted to get out of bed, when something is keeping him from doing so. He turns around to face...KIM TAEHYUNG!!?

Seokjin was shocked beyond belief, what happened last night. Then a sudden realisation hit him, they kissed not just kissed they were full on out making out, Seokjin was blushing like mad now.

"His sleeping face is so cute and peaceful..." Seokjin thought as he admires Taehyung's sleeping face, "Why can't he be this quiet when he is awake?"

He inches closer to take a better look but Taehyung open his eyes," Done admiring my face?"Taehyung said smirking and in his morning voice, which is deeper than anything Seokjin has heard. But Seokjin due to the sudden "interruption", He screamed in a high pitch voice and drop of the bed while grabbing the blanket along with it, causing a loud " thud".

" Oww..."Seokjin groaned in pain while rubbing the back of his head. Taehyung now poking out of the corner, staring down at Seokjin smirking. "So...We kiss? hmm..." Taehyung said in a teasing voice, "Y-yah, that doesn't mean anything." Seokjin stammered, face burning up more.

"Hmm? Are you sure? why not we try again? I didn't taste your lips properly." Taehyung said, eyes half-lidded, cupping Seokjin's face and pulling his face closer to his.

"Let's make it official, shall we?" Taehyung whispered seductively into Seokjin's ear, "You-I-Official?"Seokjin was so flustered he can't make a proper sentence anymore, Taehyung chuckles lowly and kiss him once again.

This time both sober and feeling each other softly and mellow lips against each other.

They let go when they heard a "snap" sound, they both turn around to look at the source of the sound. Standing there was Jimin and Hoseok trying to contain their laughter while looking at their phone, "This is such good blackmail material."Hoseok whispered to Jimin, "Agreed. Send me the pic, babe."

"So you guys are finally official?Hmm?" Jimin and Hoseok said in unison, both smirking mischievously. "Hihihi, I guess the drug work," Jimin said still trying to contain his laughter.

" Wait...Wait what drug!?"They both said in unison, "Taehyung has high alcohol tolerance, so I decide to make him a teensy bit tipsy. So he can finally stop being a coward and face his fears. So I spike his drink cause he was depressed as hell. I am such a good soulmate" Jimin self-praising himself while emphasising on teensy and air quote "depressed".

Taehyung just gave the "wtf" look, " lovebirds, breakfast is really or should I say brunch."Hoseok said giving a smile.

The sunshine couple was about to close the door, "Oh yeah...Kookie and Yoongles are on a date, Jimin and I want to go explore more of the island, mostly me which means is a date for us, Joonie went to the crab cove. So which means you guys are alone."Hoseok smirk, "Remember to use protection!!!"Hoseok winked, immediately close the door.

Before that, Seokjin was so embarrassed that he throws a pillow at  Hoseok and shouted, "Shut up, Hobi!" it misses which cause the couple on the other side to run away giggling.

"So...We are daring now?" Taehyung said raising his eyebrows, "Uhmm...Uhmmmmmmmm..."Seokjin is at a loss of words, "Yes..."Seokjin finally confirms it, then he rushes to the bathroom almost tripping over the blanket, closing the door immediately.

Looking at the mirror, his lips were swollen, hair sticking out in all sides and his face is so red. Seokjin quickly uses the cooling water to pat on his cheeks, his face back to his original colour.

Seokjin looks at the mirror again realising the bite mark was not there anymore, strangely. He will ask Taehyung later, "Wait...why am I relying on Taehyung now?"

He shook his head, maybe he is still in dreamland or isn't awake yet, and this is all in his head and the kiss was a dream and he doesn't have a boyfriend yet.

Finishing brush his teeth, wash his face. Coming out expecting to see no one, but the said boy is still there, he sat up from the bed when Seokjin emerges from the bathroom. His blond hair shining like the sun under daylight, he stretches his back. His Pajama top lifted up, revealing his abs, causing Seokjin to blush a little. taehyung caught that and smirk a little.

"Took you long enough." Taehyung finally said fake yawning, "I might fall asleep again, waiting for you."

"Oh...shut up."

Taehyung gave a boxy smile before walking past him to go to the bathroom."Hey...What happens to the bite mark?"Seokjin asked, curious.

"Well...Noble-type has the ability to heal a bite wound/injury in a few hours since we believe in the image. Since they said, wounds and bite mark will look "non-elegant", an asea commoner, not strong, blah blah on royalties so we adopt a feature to heal."Taehyung explained, he took a step closer to Seokjin.

One of Taehyung's hand grab Seokjin waist to pull him closer, the other tilt Seokjin's chin upward now their nose touching, causing Seokjin to blush, Taehyung smirked.

" Why? Do you want the whole world to know you belong to me? I wouldn't mine."Taehyung said in a cheeky tone, sticking his tongue out.

"I..I," Seokjin said, flustered again."Yah...Stop making fun of me!"Seokjin shout and playfully hit Taehyung's back.

Taehyung let out a small laugh, "Fine...Fine.I will stop teasing you but your flustered face is so cute."Taehyung said chuckling, Seokjin grab one of the pillows in a ready-attack stand, "One more word from you and you face will meet the pillow."

"Alright Alright, I won't do it..." Seokjin sighed in relief, Taehyung now in front of the door and continued, "for now..." quickly run behind the door and shut the door.

Seokjin just smiled, he finally has a boyfriend.
Feel like this progress too fast...hmm...What do you guys think? I mean I am still single and never really watch a lot of drama, just read a lot of books/fanfics.

Part 2 to be released tomorrow or the day after.

Have a great day!!!💜😊🤗

Have a great day!!!💜😊🤗

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