You will always be my baby

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Sitting beside Renesmee I was waiting for her to wake up. It was almost that time meaning not only would she soon be awake but so would the others. The plans for today were to take mother, father and Sue into Seattle to keep them busy.

The easy part of the entire 'baby making' operation was finished. Next would be Rosalie's turn. That on the other hand wouldn't happen until we were well away from the house. It made me nervous, my mother carrying a child whether or not it was human or halfmortal. Just having been though the experience of almost dying while giving birth made me nervous for her.

Taking a deep breath I sighed only to see my daughters eyes snap open. She held up her hand and touched my face. Within the first second I saw Jacobs face.

"Honey I don't know where Jacob is but I know he will be back soon. He adores you and can't stay away from you that long, it causes him pain." I explained as I ran my fingers through her immaculate curls.

From downstairs I could hear pacing, something was stirring to unsettle people. Then I smelled Jacob. I lifted Renesmee into my arms and quickly made my way to the main floor. Just as I came onto the landing Jacob was before me breathingly hard.

"Bella, Renesmee!" He said when he saw us. Renesmee reached out for him and he brought her into his arms. "I've been worried." He murmered as he held Renesmee close.

Before I could ask what was wrong Edward was at my side. "How long ago did they pass through?" Edward asked pressingly.

I looked between Edward and Jake slightly confused. "What is going on?" I asked.

Jake looked at me. "The reason I haven't been around is because we have been catching the scent of vampires coming through Forks. Sam needs one of your folk to come and run the trails with him to see if you recognize the scent."

"Well everyone else has duties today." Edward explained.

"What about Jasper and Alice?" I asked. "Jasper would be the best bet when it comes to picking up and recognizing scents."

As if I had called him he joined us. "Nomads?" He questioned.

"I think so. We didn't recognize the scent." Jake replied.

Renesmee began patting Jakes face impatiently. After a bit of squirming she managed to turn around and reach out for me. I lifted her into my arms and then she placed her hand to my cheek.

I saw the Volturi and they held Renesmee's hand as they walked away.

Cradling my daughters hand kissed her cheek. "No that will never happen." I said to her. Renesmee brought her hand back up to my face and she showed me the same picture. "I won't, we won't let them ever take you away from us. We will fight." I reassured her.

"Jasper, you don't mind going with the wolves to check that scent do you?" Edward asked as he took Renesmee into his arms. "I'd go but I don't want them going into Seattle without me after these recent events." He finished.

"Edward, I can handle it on my own. Plus if its just Renesmee and I then my father will be more then likely to go and actually stay." I explained.

Even after Edward and I were married my father was still bitter about him. He never forgot what I went through when Edward had left me and I didn't think he ever would.

Edward looked at me nervously and then nodded his head. "Okay. I'll have Alice focus on your futures." Edward said. He tilted his head upwards. "They are waking up." Edward said before he brought me into his arms. "I'll see you later tonight okay." He said before placing Renesmee into my arms. "I love you both."

Twilight Breaking Dusk - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now