11-You're insane

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Can I just say how much I hate waking up? Like I love life and shit but I love sleep a whole lot more.

"Come on" Beck grunts as he whips a pillow at me

"I better have coffee waiting for me downstairs" I huff

"Already got some" Em pops her head out of my bathroom

"When did you get here?" I ask sitting up

"Like fifteen minutes ago, mom is working today and it was too quiet at my house, I like the loudness of yours" she shrugs before going back into my bathroom

I get up and throw jean shorts along with a colorful striped semi-cropped t-shirt on before throwing my hair up in a messy bun. I almost never had my hair down because it was always messy and wavy no matter what I did. Before applying mascara I brush my teeth and within minutes I'm downstairs sipping on the amazingness that is coffee.

"y'all ready?" Caleb asks as him and Arya walk in like they normally do.

"Nope, Em's almost ready" I say taking a sip of my coffee

"Wow you actually look like a girl today" he smirks as he leans against the counter across from me

"Wow and you still look like a douchebag" I smile before flipping him off

"Ha she got your ass" Arya grins as she joins Colton at the table, they do their weird little handshake thing and start talking to eachother while Caleb and I just glare at eachother.

"Okay I'm ready, where are the twins?" Em asks as she asks, hopping down the stairs with Beck following

"Right here" Arrex smiles

"Okay ready to go?" Caleb asks breaking our stare down

"Yep" the all answer

On the way out we all grab out bags and pile into Calebs truck beflre speeding to school, because like usual, we were late.

Caleb was being unusually annoying today. In first period he kept kicking my chair, at lunch we almost got into a food fight, and now I'm trying my best to not stab him with the pencil I'm currently holding.

"Caleb I swear to go I'm going to stab you"

"Princess, you won't stab me, cause then you'll get in trouble, and you hate being in trouble"

"why are you being so annoying today?! It's Wednesday, there is literally nothing special about today?"

"I know, that's why I've deemed this day as annoy my princess day" he smirks cockily at me.

"Fine, I'll just annoy you then" I shrug
He just smirks at me and copies my shrug

"Fine" he says

"You two are so stupid" Amy grins at Caleb "you especially" she smirks at him

"Shut up Amy" he mumbles as he sits back in his seat and glares at her.

It was great, Amy wasn't nearly as timid and quiet around us as she used to be. I mean she was still quiet but that's just her, she definitely has gotten a lot more comfortable around us.

The final bell rings and all of us immediately make a run for the door,only I'm tugged back by someone behind me. Caleb.

"Not so fast princess" he grins and he throws an arm around my shoulders

"You're so annoying!" I huff in annoyance "can we go one day without you being an asshole?"

"You love me" he grins

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