60-Our Family

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"So what are we doing for St. Paddy's day tomorrow?" Em questions as her and Amy enter my kitchen

"Caleb" Jordan snorts "Well we aren't, Belle will be of course"

I just about choke on my drink as I look at my best friend with wide eyes. Neither of them knew yet, which is probably why they were giving Jordan and I the looks they were.

"What. The. Fuck." Em states

"Care to explain Belle" Amy prompts

I just stood there. Mouth still open, as I looked between a very accomplished looking Jordan,  a semi-pissed Amy and a bewildered/pissed Emma.

"Okay! I seriously can explain!" I plead look at both of them, finding my words "It happened on New Years"

"Fucking New Years Belle! That was two month ago! You two have been fucking since then?!" Em's voice started to do the screechy thing, where she almost went supersonic. The only one who could make her stop the supersonic thing was A, but I wouldn't want him here anyway, he did not  need to hear about what him and I his best friend have...done.

"Well not just that" I mumble "We're actually together. Like together together"

"What?!" Amy yells now, only now  in replace of the previous scowl was a grin "You got the one guy who has even said he doesn't do relationships, sleeps around every other weekend and flirts with anything with a vagina into an actual relationship?"

"Yes" I nod

"Okay might I interject, Caleb hasn't actually slept with anyone since like September. He attempted to a while back but he couldn't-" he stops talking to whistle while pointing up, very much conveying the message "if you know what I mean"

"I never knew how much I didn't need that image in my head" Em says plainly "Seriously never do that again"

"Yeah that's fair" Jordan laughs

"Okay can we stop talking about my boyfriends 'abilities' please, it's working perfectly fine now," I huff slightly "But yeah we started kinda everything on New Years and we both agreed to not tell anyone. He and Colton both found out on accident"

"So the guys don't know yet?" Amy questions

"Have you seen Beck or Arrex have a fuckin brain aneurism yet?" The two both shake their heads in response to my question "No we haven't told them"

"When are you going to?" Em asks "cause I mean, it's none of my business, but you really should tell them soon"

"Yeah that's what he's been saying too. We just haven't had a chance too, we've both been so busy these passed two weeks we've barley been able to see each other." I shrug. Now that was actually true. We've barely been able to hangout let alone have time to talk to all of my brothers at once. It's halfway through second semester, we were all stressed.

"I'm fuckin terrified to tell them"

"Yeah I would be too" Em agrees with me. She just shrugs as we all glare at her "What? I'm not gonna sugar coat shit"

"Fair enough. Can we not talk about that right now though?" I question "It's just stressing me out even more than I already am"

"Yeah" Amy nods "You'll be okay Belle"

"Thanks Aim"

After a beat of silence and expectantly looks towards me, Jordan finally speaks up.

"So are you gonna tell them the beginning of your epic love story or am I gonna have to?"

"Oh yeah duh" I grin "So it happened on New Years..."

"Why are they looking at us like that?" Caleb questions as he sits beside me on the floor

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