73- Now

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"Colton said it before I could." I state looking at my two brothers "Don't talk to me unless it's to apologize. I'm done." And with that I get up and walk away. I wasn't going to yell. I was not going to argue anymore, there was no point. They knew Co and I were right, We knew we were right, everyone at that damn table knew we were right.

"Hey, hey," I hear Caleb calls behind me as he catches up "Why do you look like you're about to cry?" He grins down at me as I stop

"Cause I'm fucking pissed that they acted that way," I huff, throwing my hands up in the air. I was pissed and frustrated.

"It's okay," he nods "It'll be okay,"

"I fucking hate them," I snap

"You don't mean that, They're your brothers, regardless of how much they piss you off, you're still gonna love them," he grins, wrapping an arm around me "I'll talk to them, Colton kinda eased the blow for me,"

"Yeah he did," I let a small

"Remind me to thank him later," Co just smirks down at me "Don't cry, we're all good, our friends are all good, and your brothers will be eventually,"

"I'm just gonna go inside, I need to cool off," I huff, I say things that I shouldn't when I'm pissed, shit that would just escalate an already high tension situation.

"Wait for us," Amy says as both her and Em follow me up. Em has guilt painted on her face as they both approached me

"I'm gonna go back over," Co says

"You sure, going into the shit storm alone?"

"I'm good Bonnie," he grins before giving me a quick kiss on the cheek "We'll figure this out,"

"Okay," no matter what, he was still always there right by my side.

Amy and Em has already gone inside, and I follow them right in.

"Belle I'm so sorry," is the first thing I hear as I enter my room. Em had tears streaming down her face as Amy tried to comfort her "I'm so sorry I didn't tell you, we didn't even know what we were doing it just kinda happened and I was scared and I know I shouldn't have been," she spits out all in one breath and I almost laugh

"I'm not mad at you Em, I honestly don't care that you two are doing whatever you two are doing, sure I would've liked to know but I can't say shit, I've been doing that same thing. I'm not pissed at A for keeping it a secret either, I'm pissed at him for reacting the way he did especially when he's been doing almost the exact same thing only without the commitment,"

"Believe me, I am too," she lets out a breath "He's being a dick,"

"So is Beck," Amy snorts

"I know," I pout "Ace didn't seem too bad though,"

"No I mean, he didn't seem completely fine with it, but he seems okay" Em agrees "B I'm so sorry I didn't tell you. Like beyond sorry, I feel like complete shit and I know that's completely on me. I love you and I would never want to hurt you," she says, genuinely guilty. I already knew this. Granted of all people, I'd least expect Em to get with A, they'd always been ones to fight. However, I'm not mad per se. she's been my best friend my whole life, I know she wouldn't risk our relationship for something she didn't think was worth it.

"I'm not mad em, really. Surprised? Yes. A little blindsided? Hell yeah. But mad? No. I couldn't be mad at you for getting yourself to a happy place in your life," I smile at my best friend "However, you hurt my brother n I will punch you,"

"Still be my best friend?"

"Of course! You'll be my best friend with a black eye," I laugh "Love you Em,"

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