67-They are Evil

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We'd stayed at Lelands for just over two hours. It was nice to hang out with her again and just talk. Things have been so crazy around here that I haven't have the chance to just sit and talk with someone about life.

Both the boys told her, Sage and Ashley, embarrassing stories about me. I'd told some about them too, making everyone laugh.

I loved Texas, and I loved everyone there but damn I forgot how much I love it here too.

"So what are you guys going to do now?" Rick asks just as we're getting ready to leave

"Well, mom wants to see you pronto," Sage grins at me. Her mom was awesome, she was always making food or yelling at one of Sage's little siblings, it was comical actually. But she was also the sweetest woman you could ever meet.

"I guess we're going to sages house then" I laugh looking back over at Leland and Rick

"Okay well be careful, have fun and we expect to see all five of you back here tomorrow" Leland smiles at us

"We will!" I call back as we walk out

"It was nice meeting you!" Both Jordan and Co tell them before we're out of the diner.

"Okay so, be aware, my little sisters are going to be all over you" Sage warns both Jordan and Caleb who just laugh in response

"They're used to it, don't flame their egos anymore or else they may explode" I laugh, looking at them both. I feel a pang of sadness shred through me.

Normally, Caleb would make a smartass comment. It would be something that would make me roll my eyes yet smile the widest smile, but he just stayed quiet, and looks up at the skyscrapers towering around us.

Thankfully, Jordan, Sage and Ash has been getting along just fine. Though I'm not surprised, Jordan can get along with anyone if he wants to, and the same is said for Sage and Ashley.

"After we go to Sage's house what are we gonna do?" Caleb breaks our silence as he and I walked behind our three other friends

I didn't even realize he was talking to me at first until I looked over at him to see him already looking down at me

"Oh, well I was thinking on doing some touristy stuff, there's no point in going to Chicago if you aren't going to take stupid pictures in front of the bean" I shrug, I notice his lips quirk up as he nods his head

"Could we go to Navy Pier?" He asks, like a little kid asking permission "I don't know I've heard a lot of people talk about it and they say it's pretty fun"

"I was planning on that after your guys' meeting with the coach, Navy Pier late at night is the best, you'd love it" I tell him "Especially the Ferris wheel, you always loved things that scared the shit out of me"

"That's true" he chuckles looking out to the lakefront. That was another thing I'd loved about Chicago, the summer was one of the best times of the year, there was always something to do on the lakefront. "Remember the circus?"

"Yeah, and you guilt tripping me into taking a picture with the clown" I huff as he laughs

"I don't understand why you hate them! They're just dudes with makeup on, that's it" he grins, nudging my are with his

"Okay, they are not, they are evil and nothing you ever do will change my mind" I reason. Fuck clowns. I hate them with a passion.

"Fine" he huffs dramatically "You're gonna do a ropes course one day though, even if I have to drag you through one myself" that was another thing I was terrified of. There are these ropes obstacle courses suspended high off the ground, all of my friends and brothers loved them, I was for some reason terrified of them. It was always an irrational fear of mine.

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