Chapter 5

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(Annabelle's POV)

Sean stood above the guy. He picked him up by the collar then hit him against the wall.

"Don't you dare touch her!" Sean yelled.

The guy pulled himself out of Sean's grip and ran off down the hall. I stood in shock and Sean just walked down the hall. I ran to catch up with him.

"Hey, thanks for that," I said.

"Whatever," he mumbled.

I stopped in my tracks, staring at his back in suprise. Sean walked through a door and out of my line of sight. I watched the spot where he just was. I grabbed my bag and made my way to the office. when I walked in Mrs. Sullin wasn't at her desk and James and Nick were sitting in the chairs.

"Finally. That took you forever," James said standing up.

He had changed into jeans and a green t-shirt.

"Yeah, what happened? Were you getting mugged or something?" Nick asked walking out the door.

"No," I responded too quickly.

They both started laughing and I followed them into the hall.

"Thanks for ruining my clothes," I said to James.

I held the bag over the garbage can letting it swing back and forth before dropping into the bin.

"Sorry about that," James laughed nervously. "Tell you what, I'll make it up to you. Don't know how but I will."

"What's your last class?" Nick asked.

"Math with Mr. Lindell," I said.

"Ouch!" James said making a face.

"What?" I asked panicking.

"Mr. Lindell is strict and gives out a lot of homework," Nick said.

I groaned in response.

"How would you know? Mr. Lindell is a calculus teacher, and everyone's surprised you can even do seventh grade math," James joked.

"Don't be hatin'" Nick said holding up his hands. "I think Emmett has Mr. Lindell last hour too."

"Glad I'm not the only one who has to suffer," I said.

*timeskip to after school*

I sat on my bed finishing up my homework when my laptop started ringing. I walked over and clicked accept on the skype call. Adrian popped onto my screen and she gave me a big smile.

"So, how was your first day?" Adrian asked.

"It was pretty good, except one guy was weird but I'll text that to you later," I said. "Oh except in science my parter, James, mixed the wrong chemicals together and it exploded. It started like burning and it dissolved holes in the clothes."

"What were you wearing?"

"Um, white shorts, a black tank top, and blue crop top."

"The light blue one with bows in the back?"

"That's the one."

"That was my favorite shirt! I'm gonna kill him!"

"Who are you gonna kill?" My little brother asked.

Andrew squeezed onto the seat next to Adrian.

"Someone that goes to Annabelle's school. He ruined my favorite shirt!" Adrian exclaimed.

"Sucks for you," Andrew said and Adrian stuck out her tounge. "By the way, dinners ready. We have to go eat now."

"Okay. I'll see you later!" Adrian waved before clicking off.

I finished the last two math problems then grabbed my acoustic guitar. I put my lucky pick, that was blue and white swirled together, and hopped down the stairs.

"Hey Aunt Cierra!" I called.

"Yes?" She asked walking into the foyer.

"Can I go and play my guitar near Starbucks?" I asked.

Aunt Cierra hesitated before answering. "I guess that's okay. Just be safe."

"Okay! Thanks!" I said giving her a hug then hopping out the door with my skateboard.

I got to the place at about five o' clock. There seemed to be mostly adults there so I decided to play and older song. I left a cup I got from Starbucks on the ground and started playing the song 'Hey There Delilah' by The Plain White T's.

After a couple of songs most people came and gone except for one guy that has been there since the beginning. I was finishing up my last song when Emmett, Nick, James, and Sean walked up. As soon as I was done they started clapping and hollering as loud as they could. I put the contents of the cup into my pocket and put my guitar on my back.

"That was awesome!" James exclaimed.

"Totally!" Nick agreed.

"Definitely the best I've seen in awhile," Sean said smirking.

"You know, we were just talking about something and we'd like to tell you but we have to get going. Here's my number, call me later tonight," Emmett said handing me a small slip of paper.

They walked off and I pocketed the number. I turned to see the guy who's been here walking up to me. The man looked like he was in his late thirties. He was tall and tan, with brown hair and green eyes.

"You were amazing," the guy said.

"Thanks," I said.

"I think you deserve this," He held out a hundred dollar bill.

"Oh my gosh. No, that's too much," I denied pushing it away.

"It's fine. There's plenty more where this comes from," he said pushing it back towards me.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"I insist," he said nudging my hand with it.

I hesitantly took it and put it in my pocket.

"I hope I can hear you play again sometime," he said.

With that the man turned around leaving me. It was dark and the streets were suddenly empty. There's probably some event or game that everyone's at. That's probably where the guys went too. I walked down the street instead of riding my skateboard to enjoy the cool air. I walked for a while listening to my footsteps and looking in shops until I heard something weird. I heard one footstep behind me. Glass broke behind me and I spun around to see and old lady who dropped her shopping bag and a man picking it up for her. I sighed in relief and continued to walk forward. It wasn't until I walked another block that I heard the singular footstep again. I went to take a step forward but hesitated in midair. A foot hit the pavement behind me and I turned around as fast as possible. I saw a dark figure quickly slink into an alleyway. My heart started racing and I didn't know if it was because I forgot to take my medication or I was scared but either way I started running. I heard the footsteps behind me quicken into the same pace. I was almost home when an arm wrapped around my waist and another covered my mouth, pulling me into an alley.


I had a dream this had 700 reads. Sadly when I woke up it wasn't true. I'm posting this during class XD

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