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Encouragement is hard in these parts

Clover's pov

When I opened my eyes again I was laying on rocks and dirt.

I'm alive!

But I don't feel anything but pain in my left arm. I looked around and saw ashes and parts of the ship everywhere. I looked in front of me and saw my dad getting up also. I slowly sat up, my arm started hurting a lot more when I moved it around. I walked over to him.

"Are you okay daddy?" I asked in a quiet voice.

He sat up and hugged me, probably happy I was alright. I saw Gamora, Rocket, and Drax getting up as well but I didn't see Groot anywhere. Where did he go?

A purple glow came from the smoke of the big ship. My eyes widened as I saw Ronan appear from the smoke with his hammer in his hand.

Rocket got mad and he lunged at Ronan saying, "You killed Groot!"

Ronan blasted Rocket back with his hammer. I flinched at the noise. Ronan looked around and said to the people that were behind us.

"Behold, your guardians of the galaxy!"

(Apparently back when I typed this chapter I was too lazy to so the whole Ronan speech even though it probably wasn't even that long so in place of that is a short time skip)


Ronan raised his hammer up. My dad whispered to me, "Go to Gamora."

I winced as I stood up and walked to Gamora. She put her hand on my right shoulder.

I turned back and saw my dad was standing up and singing to Ronan. I wrinkled my nose in confusion. But he got Ronan to gently bring his hammer down.

"What are you doing?" Ronan asked my dad.

My dad smiled, "Dance off bro, me and you." He started dancing and then he pointed to Gamora and me. I shook my head no and I saw Gamora doing the same.

I looked behind Ronan. Rocker and Drax were almost done building the missile launcher thing.

"What are you doing?!" Ronan asked again only more angry.

"I'm distracting you, ya big turd blossom." My dad said with a grin.

Ronan turned around and Drax fired to missile. It hit Ronan's hammer and it was like everything went into slow motion. My dad and Ronan were both reaching for the stone. The stone killed the pink lady. It will kill him. "Daddy!" I screamed for him, my hand automatically reaching for him.


"Quill don't!"

My dad got the stone in his hand. Purple clouds came out of nowhere and started swirling around him. Gamora ran into the clouds. I was scared. My dad will die from holding the stone, I don't want him to die. Ronan was also in the clouds, I don't know what could happen if I go in.

I looked at Rocket and Drax. They both looked at me. I bit my lip, I have to help my dad. I ran into the clouds.

Gamora and my dad were holding hands while screaming in pain. The loud noises made me want to cover my ears.

Drax was next to my dad. He held onto my dad's shoulder and he also screamed in pain.

I ran to Gamora and with my good arm, I reached over and held Gamora's hand. My whole body started hurting. My eyes were tearing up. My shoulder hurt a lot more than the rest of my body. I could barely hear myself screaming.

But then a lot of the pain went away. I opened my eyes, I don't remember closing them. I saw Rocket was holding onto Drax's fingers. Ronan was standing in front of us, he looked shocked.

"You're mortal. How?" He asked my dad.

"You said it yourself, bitch. We're the guardians of the galaxy." My dad said to Ronan.

All of a sudden Ronan was surrounded in purple fire. He tried to get away but he soon disappeared. Gamora closed the stone in one of those gray orbs and everyone was panting.

I heard clapping behind me, so I turned my head to look. Yondu and the Ravagers were walking to us.

"Well, that was quite the light show. Damn, even lil' Bandit here survived." Yondu said.

I let go of Gamora hand and I walked closer to my dad and held onto his leg with my good arm. I hid behind my dad as he talked to Yondu. I saw my dad give Yondu the empty gray ball he had instead of the stone.

As the Ravagers were leaving Yondu said to me, "And don't worry Bandit, you'll always be remembered."

After Yondu and the Ravagers left, I stood in front of my dad and hugged his legs which made my arm start hurting a lot again, but I didn't really care. We were both still alive.

My dad bent down and wrapped his arms around me. "Love you, daddy." I muttered in his shoulder.

"I love you too, Clover."

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