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Sorry if the whole story and the sequel was cringy. And sorry if there is spelling mistakes.


A few weeks later

The Nova Corp were nice enough to give us a new ship again once we told them that we saved the galaxy a second time. They said it is called the Benetar. It's sad that we won't have the Milano any more but this ship is a bit bigger than the Milano.

I haven't gotten used to sleeping in the Benetar so sometimes I stay up at nights but quietly so I don't wake up anyone. The Milano has always been my home, I grew up in the last 4 years in that ship. So it's just I have to get used to this ship now, I guess.

Like tonight I couldn't exactly fall asleep so I sneaked out of my room. I was only wearing my big pajama shirt and some shorts. I wandered around the ship until I got to the table that had a blinking device. I recognized it as a holographic map of this galaxy and the one closest to it. I stood up on my tippy toes and reached for the map.

I looked around and noticed a button on the wall to open the doors to probably another room. I don't think I ever been in whatever's on the other side of that door. Quietly stepping towards it I pushed the button and it opened up into a small room with a window in the back. I don't know why there's a window of this is sort of the inner part of the ship.

But I stepped inside of the room and sat down in the chair. There were controls in front of the chair that I had no idea what they were for. I noticed there was a gun ing it's holster and knife in here lying on the floor. I shrugged and played with the map. I picked the quadrant in the galaxy that my daddy said I was born in. It seemed nice, the planets and stars there were cool looking, but I don't think I ever actually been there.

I set down the map to get up but I accidentally set it on the controls. All of a sudden the door closed in front of me, trapping me in here. I reached for the map to take it off but I pressed a few more buttons on the process.

I screamed as the room I was in dropped out of the ship and started flying away. I didn't know what to do. My daddy hasn't taught me yet on how to fly a spacecraft. I tried pressed a button but all it did was show a list of planets to jump to. I swiped the list to see if maybe there would be an option to stop flying towards anything because pressing the same button doesn't do anything, I figured out.

I stopped swiping when I saw a planet called Terra was on the list. That sounded familiar and being the dumb kid I am, I pressed on it to see if it would tell me stuff that will make me remember why it seemed familiar. But I watched as the small ship I was in started flying in it's own to start making jumps.

I think I just pulled a Rocket.


I had my eyes covered because I didn't want to see any stuff that I didn't want to as this ship was making the jumps. Eventually I felt the ship stop making jumps so I opened one eye and saw that the ship was flying towards that ground. I started screaming and held onto the seat, bracing for impact.

I felt the ship crash and roll once it hit the ground and I screamed as I lost my trip on the seat and fell to the floor. I got my head hard and it was hurting really bad. I brought my head up to my head and saw a little blood on my fingers.

I didn't know where I was, I'm guessing Terra but I don't know this planet. I picked up my holo-map, the gun, and the knife laying on the floor. I pressed the button to open the hatch to peek outside. The weather was cold and it was night on this planet right now. I shivered and took a step outside.

I smelled smoke as I stood outside but it was close. I turned around and noticed the back of the pod-ship-thing I was in was catching fire. I strapped the gun holster around me and started running, not wanting to be there when it explodes.

I'm pretty sure now that that ship was a escape pod, and escape pods sometimes have trackers on them but there's no way that it still works if there even was one. How am I going to get back now? They probably don't even know I'm gone since they are still sleeping, maybe.

I stopped running once I got into an ally. I heard the distant sound of the ship exploding. There was no one outside. The streets this place had were empty. But I noticed a tall building across the street. There had to be people who would help me in there.

My head was hurting a lot and I'm pretty sure I hit my side hard when I fell on the ground when I crashed. I ran across the street and entered the building. I couldn't see anybody or hear anybody. The lights were off but I saw the stairs so I started climbing them.

I tried to listen if I could hear anyone but all I heard were snoring or nothing when I put my ear against the doors.

I climbed the stairs for what seemed like forever. I was very tired but I had to keep myself awake, I needed help. I looked down the railing and saw I was very high up. Near the top of the building.

I sighed and wiped my eyes. It hurts and I can't find anybody. But I don't want to cry, I hate that I'm a crybaby. Tears kept trying to fall down but I would wipe them as I slowly climbed up the stairs. I thought that All hope was lost and I would pass out on these stairs but then I heard quiet movement coming from behind a door that was a few feet away from me.

I put my ear up to the door and it sounded like someone when walking around in the room. I knocked on the door with my hand that wasn't carrying the knife and holo-map and waited for the person to answer. I heard the person walk up to the door but didn't unlock it.

I knocked again and said in a small voice, "Please help me."

I heard the person unlock the door and the last thing I saw before my eyes closed was a tall man with long hair looking down at me


The sequel is called She's from the stars if you didn't read the description for this story

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