pre gotg 2 pt. 4

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This short chapter leads into the beginning of volume 2.


After I woke up from the nap I took after my dad shot me, which took a while apparently, I was put in time out. I was sitting on the floor facing a corner of my dad's room.

My stuffed animal puppy survived the fight at Xandar, but a lot of its fur is grayish black and it's missing part of its ear and one leg. Nova Corp was going to throw it away but I wanted to keep it because it was my birthday present.

So I was playing with it while sitting in the corner. My dad said to stay here until he came back. I was getting bored, its been a long time already. I know I'm in big trouble.

The door opened behind me and I heard footsteps walk to the bed.

"Clover, do you know how much trouble you're in?" My dad asked me.

I nodded and held tightly onto my stuffed puppy.

"You know what you did, right?"

"I got mad and said bad words and hit Drax." I said all the things I did.

"Yeah, we don't attack each other."

I hung my head, "I'm sorry, daddy."

My dad sighed, "I know. I don't want to have to shoot you again."


My dad let me out of time out because some strangers offered to pay us if we protected batteries or something like that. Rocket was piloting the Milano. Gamora was getting suited up. Drax was sharpening his knives again.

"So what are we doing?" I asked.

My dad was getting jetpacks for the team because they might need them for whatever we are going to face. I'm too small for a jetpack.

"We have to peotect these batteries from a big, ugly, mean, son of a bitch alien who likes to--snack on them." My dad explained.

I gasped as I was checking my crossbow, "You said a bad word."

My dad rolled his eyes, "It slipped. You said it on purpose earluer so its not a big deal."

'Guys we're almost there.' Rocket said over the ship's comm system.

"You ready Clove?" My dad asked me.

I put on my old Ravager jacket over the clothes I was wearing, which is my pajamas. I armed my crossbow and looked up at my dad.



We made it to the platform with the batteries. The city around the platform had really bright lights. And there was a lot of gold stuff. Even the species that lived here were all gold.

I was playing with Groot as we waited for some big monster to show up. My dad took out a old game thing he use to play with as a kid. But now I guess he uses it to track stuff. I have know idea how that works since I'm only four, well four and a half. But oh well.

Apparently the monster thing was suppose to come from the sky. Storm clouds were circling above us. My dad looked at his game thing when it made a weird beep.

"Showtime a-holes."

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