pre gotg 2 pt. 3

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So I'm explaining it again. The whole 'Clover turning into a test subject and being able to morph into an physically older version of herself' storyline went absolutely nowhere and I regret and definitely do not like the storyline.

So since this is my story I can do whatever I want so I am going to completely get rid of that storyline and make it like it didn't exist. We all fine with that? Cool. Now onto the story.

*p.s. this chapter was originally(on 1st version of this story on Quotev) a chapter with the morphing stuff but I'm rewriting it to just normal four and a half year old Clover.


About two weeks past since I helped my dad and Drax fight that big creature. Nobody needed our help since then so we were resting on a nice planet with a lot of plants.

My dad was in the city near where we landed. Everyone else and me were in the Milano. Right now me and Groot were playing hide and seek. I made sure to focus on listening with my better hearing so I could find Groot easier. He was really small and the Milano was very big for the both of us.

I heard something move behind me and saw Groot walking across the room. I ran towards him and he tried to run over some tools or whatever laying on the ground.

I decided to run over the things also but I tripped over them. My leg started to hurt a lot so I looked down at it. A knife was stuck in it. Not too deep but it was enough to hurt a lot.

I tried to pull the knife out but I am a little girl so it was kinda hard for me and I got scared.

I started to cry and I was getting mad because I couldn't get the knife out of my leg. And it hurts a bunch.

"I am Groot?" Groot asked in a worried voice.

I looked at the knife my closely as I wiped away some of my tears. It was Drax's knife. I tried to stand up but I couldn't really until I got the knife out.

I tightly held the handle and closed my eyes. I don't want to pull it out but I have to. So I did it and blood started pouring down my leg.

I stood up, limping through the Milano, having one hand on the wall and the other one holding the knife. I could hear Groot was running behind me to keep up.

I found the room Drax was in, cleaning his other knife. I was mad at him. He just left his knife on the ground, and if he picked it up then I wouldn't have tripped over it. But I did and now my leg is hurting and bleeding.

I raised up the knife and threw it towards him. Drax caught it without even looking up. But when he did he looked straight at me and I guess he could see I was very angry.

"What is the meaning of this?" He asked, slamming the knife on the table.

I flinched a bit at the loud noise but didn't leave the room. I wanted to get payback because I blame Drax for my bleeding leg.

"You jus' leave your things all over the Milano. You didn't even bother putting them in a safe place." I complained, point a finger at him.

Gamora walked into the room, probably because I was yelling. Rocket also followed her in the room. She crossed her arms and had a scary expression.

"What's going on here?" Gamora asked, looking between me and Drax.

"He leaves his knives around the Milano and if he would jus' pick them up, then I wouldn't have got hurt." The three of them looked at my leg. There was a lot of blood and a small puddle was under my foot.

"Clover, you're going to need to calm down. We need to patch up your leg or else you will pass out from blood loss." Gamora said in a calmer voice.

"This is between me an' Drax. That bitch needs to pay!" I yelled, using a name my dad calls people who he doesn't like.

Gamora seemed shocked, like everyone else. Drax took a step towards me.

"You have to treat everyone on this ship with respect but you are clearly failing to do so."

I ran towards Drax but Gamora grabbed me before I could hit him. I just wanted to get at least one good hit. I was screaming and wiggling around to try to get out of Gamora's arms.

"What the hell is going on here?!" I heard my dad shouting when he walked into the room.

"You need to control your daughter Quill." Rocket said.

I saw Drax take his knives and go somewhere else in the Milano.

My dad scoffed, "I wasn't here and you guys can't handle a four year old?"

"She's got some anger issues." I heard Rocket mutter. I glared at him.

"Says the one who gets offen'ed everytime someone calls him rodent!" I snapped at Rocket.

"The hell did you say!?" Rocket snarled, reaching for the gun on his back.

I struggled to get out of Gamora's arms. Groot was standing on the table just watching us, not even helping.

"Okay woah! You are not going to shoot my daughter! Give her to me."

I tried to move away when my dad's arms were reaching towards me.  I brought my hand up and hit Gamora in her eye. She dropped me and barely stayed up the right way. I put my hand in my pocket to try to get out my crossbow. But I heard my dad say,

"Sorry Clove."

I looked up and saw my dad with one of his guns pointed at me. He pulled the trigger and it blasted me back. My eyes closed and everything went dark.


And thats Parenting 101 kids!

Shoot your kids if they are misbehaving!

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