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Clover's pov

My dad was holding me in his arms. I had a cast on my left arm because the doctors said I broke it. Nova Prime was talking to my dad and Gamora was here too. They said they found something inside of my dad.

"-So that mean your daughter, Clover, is only twenty-five percent terran." Nova Prime said.

"If she is only twenty-five percent terran, then why doesn't she look like other Garnanji?" Ganora asked.

Nova Prime replied, "When she was developing, her DNA and cells must've decided to take that look of her father."

I rested my head against my dad's. Nova Prime then said, "Your friends have arrived."

I looked to where the lady was pointing and saw Rocket holding a plant pot with a stick from Groot and Drax standing beside him.

The guy from a couple of days ago led us outside. I saw the Milano to my right. The man was explaining stuff but I didn't really pay attention. My home ship was back!

Rocket, Gamora and Drax all started walking towards the Milano. I wiggled around to try to get out of my dad's arms. He put me down but held onto my hand so I didn't go anywhere yet.

"They'll be fine Dey. I'm gonna keep an eye on them." My dad said to Dey.


My dad looked back at the group, "Yeah, me."

"Well who's gonna keep a eye on you?"

"I will." I said looking up at him.

They both looked at me and chuckled.


I was sitting next to my dad and he got out the present that Grandma gave to him before he left Earth. It was a box with colorful paper around it. I watched as my dad finally opened it and the note after all these years.


I know these last couple of months have been hard on you. But I'm going to a better place. I will be okay, and I will always be with you. You are the light of my life, my precious son, my little Starlord.

Love mom.

I hugged my dad. He put a arm around me and kissed the top of my head.

"Grandma is looking over us, right?" I asked my dad.

He smiled and nodded. Grandma left him a mixtape and he put it in the player. Gamora walked into the room. The song started playing and smiled and sorta moved to the music.


We were all sitting in the front of the Milano. I was sitting on the floor next to my dad's feet. I was looking at the pot Rocket had. The stick sprouted arms and the mini Groot yawned. My mouth hung open. Rocket brought Groot back to life?

"What should we do next? Something good? Something bad? A bit of both?" My dad asked everyone.

Gamora was standing next to my dad, "We'll follow your lead, Starlord."

My dad smirked and then looked down at me. I smiled slyly. He chuckled, "A bit of both."

We then took off into space, looking for another adventure, as my dad calls it. I think I'm gonna like having more people around. But I know it will always be the way my dad says to me.

Just you, me, and the Galaxy


Well that's the first Guardians done. Just like the other book I'll add chapters that are pre gotg vol.2(except I probably won't add the chapters of the doctors turning Clover into a science experiment because that small storyline went no where and I don't like that storyline) and then gotg vol. 2 comes after those chapters.

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