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I went off of my phone for a bit because I had a headache and I just laid on my bed for a while, like probably more than 10 minutes. The headache disappeared but then I got on my phone again to complete this chapter and the headache or whatever instantly came back and like WhAT thE HELL!?!

A short message from my brain to my body - "Why do you act like this?"


"Huh, that's weird. A sovereign fleet is coming up from the rear." My dad said.

"Why would they do that?" Gamora asked.

I looked straight at Rocket as Drax said, "Probably because Rocket stole some of their batteries."

Rocket turned around to glare at Drax. "Dude!"

I laughed and pointed at Rocket, "Busted."

"Right, he didn't steal some of those. I don't know why they're after us. What a mystery this is." Drax replied.

"Yes he did! There's like five in his bag." I said reaching for his bag, but Rocket kickes my arm away.

Then, the fleet behind us started firing at the Milano. I quickly ran back to the seat that Gamora was sitting in just as my dad made a sharp turn to try to avoid getting hit. Gamora picked me up and held me with one arm as I sat on her lap.

"What were you thinking!" My dad shouted at Rocket.

"Dude, they were really easy to steal."

"That's your excuse?" I asked him.

"C'mon, you saw how that high priestess talked down to us. Now I'm teaching her a lesson." Rocket explained.

My dad sarcastically replied, "oh I didn't realize that your motivation was altruism. Such a shame that the Sovereign mistaken your intentions and are trying to kill us."


"I was being saractic!"

"Oh no! You're suppose to use a sarcastic voice! Now I look foolish."

"Can we jus' get outta here and not die?" I asked the both of them.

"More incoming." Gamora said.

"Good, I wanna kill some guys!" Rocket started screaming as he shot the fleet with the Milano's blasters.

"You're not killing anyone. All those ships are remotely piloted." Gamora told Rocket as she started pressing buttons.

The ship kept making sharp turns and loops almost making me fall off of Gamora's lap. I turned around and held tightly to Gamora's waist.

"What's the nearest habitable planet?" My dad asked Gamora.

"It's called Berhert." Gamora answered.

"How many jumps?"

"Only one, but it's access point is 47 clicks away and you have to go through that quantum asteroid field."

I looked at the asteroid field and saw the asteroids popping up in different places then going away.

"Quill if you make it through that you'd have to be the greatest pilot in the universe." Drax said.

"Lucky for us-"

"I am." Rocket and my dad said at the same time.

Rocket then took control of the Milano and started flying through the asteroid field. I could see some of the Sovereign fleet's ships get destroyed by the asteroids behind us.

Just you, me, and the Galaxy - Guardians of the GalaxyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora