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I an literally sitting on the floor because I feel like it will help me focus better

I go back to school on the 12th(😃🔫) so I want to get as much of gotg volume 2 out as possible before then.


Clover's pov

So I threw up over the side of the platform that we were standing on after we killed Big Ugly. My dad rubbed my back and held me on his hip. I had one arm wrapped around his neck, the other one was just hanging down. My chin was on his shoulder, so I was looking behind him.

We started walking to the place where we were suppose to get our reward.

I saw Rocket take some of the batteries and put them in his bag. When he looked up he saw me staring at him. He put a finger in front of his mouth, telling me to be quiet. I gave him a thumbs up.


We all stood in front of a bunch of gold people in the palace place. I was now standing on the ground holding onto one of my dad's hands.

"We thank you Guardians for putting your life on the line. We could not risk the lives of our own sovereign citizens." The golden lady sitting in a big chair said.

She then added, "Every citizen is born exactly designed by the community. Impeccable both physically and mentally. We control the DNA of our progeny germinating them in birthing pods."

"Guess I prefer to make people the old fashion way." My dad said, glancing down at me and patting my head and messing up my already messy hair.

The throne lady smiled, "Perhaps someday you can give me a history lesson. In the archaic ways of our ancestors, for academic purposes."

I don't really understand what they are talking about but I think it's something similar to what my dad did with his one night stands in the past.

"I would be honored, in the name of research. I think that could be pretty-"

I looked up, seeing my dad grinning and also saw Gamora glaring at my dad. His smile went away and he looked back at the gold lady.

"-pretty repulsive. I'm not into that kind of causal-"

Gamora stepped up to the throne lady, "Oh please. Your people offered something in exchange for our services. Being it and we shall gladly be on our way."

Some guarded came into the room holding a cuffed person in a hood. They pushed the person down and took off their hood. It was Nebula from the whole Xandar battle thing. I never actually seen her before but Gamora talked about her.

She looked up at Gamora, she looked evil.

My dad said quietly, "Family reunion yay!"

I giggled quietly but then Nebula looked towards me and I moved to hide behind my dad's leg.

"I understand that she is your sister."

"She is worth no more to me than the bounty for her on Xandar." Gamora said pulling Nebula to her feet.

"Our soldiers apprehended her trying to steal the batteries. Do with her as you please." The gold lady said standing up from her throne.

Gamora then started walking out of the room with Nebula. Groot started running to catch up with them.

My dad bent down, "C'mon Clover let's go."

He picked me up and placed me on his hip again. "We thank you High Priestess Ayesha."

My dad turned to leave but the gold lady spoke up, "What is your heritage Mr. Quill."

"My mother is from Earth."

"And your father?"

My dad shrugged, "He ain't from Missouri. That's all I know."

"I see it within you, and large traces of it within your daughter. An unorthodox genealogy. A hybrid that seems particularly......reckless."

I shrunk down a bit in my dad's arms. She was talking like whatever me and my dad had was a very bad thing. And she was scaring me because she didn't blink, she only stared at us.

Rocket and Drax were also looking at us and Rocket saw that I was getting scared so he then said to the gold lady.

"You know, people told us that you guys were conceded douchebags. But that's not true at all."

Rocket then winked at us with his left eye again. Everyone sas it and the gold people gasped around us. I smiled and covered my mouth so that they wouldn't hear me giggling.

"As shot I'm using my wrong eye again aren't I? I'm sorry that was-"

Drax started pulling Rocket back. We walked away without saying anything else.

"-that was meant to be behind your back."

"You're a idiot." I whispered to Rocket.


We walked to the Milano and I sat on the floor behind the two pilot seats, looking out the front window. My dad was sitting to my right and Rocket was sitting to my left.

Gamora was sitting behind me with Drax standing next to her. Groot sat next to me and also stared out the window. We were watching everything zoom by as we flew out of the atmosphere.

A thing beeped and my dad looked at it. I leaned over a bit while still sitting on the floor to see why it was beeping.

"Huh, that's weird. We've got A sovereign fleet coming up from the rear."

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