CHAPTER 1: Early Birthday Dinner

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Things have been going great between Wade and I. Although he hasn't let me meet his father and isn't sure if he ever will. Though to be honest, after he told me what his father asked of having him try and break things off with me, I don't care too much for meeting him anyways.

It has been close to two years now since the wedding of Levi and Neil and things have been going amazing between all of us.

Neil and Levi decided to move their business to the same city where Wade and I live. Several months after dating, Wade and I decided to move in together and start our new life. So I moved in with him and he was sweet enough to help me open a studio close by his work so that he could make sure I was okay and so neither one of us had that far to go to have lunch together or anything. 

I call it a studio instead of a salon cause it sounds better which is also why I call the place 'The Worx' with shears as the 'x' while the 't' is a Lip gloss with the lip wand on top to make the T-shape.

Today was Friday and a really busy day in the studio and since it was also my birthday tomorrow, Wade had planned to take me out. So tonight Levi, Neil, Wade and I are going out to dinner to a very nice place that is fancier than I would like, but Wade says I'm worth it and it would make them feel better.

The moment I had finished at work, Wade picked me up and we went back to our place to get ready and while putting on my earrings in the mirror, I noticed Wade was leaning up against the door frame, checking me out and licking his lips seductively.

"Can I help you?" I asked with a cocked eyebrow and smile on my face.

"You can actually." He says as he catches my eye through the mirror and walks up behind me and gently starts rubbing my arm and placing gentle kisses on the side of my neck.

"Mmm..." I moan.

"I have something for you, beautiful." He softly says in my ear.

Next I see him take out a box from his pocket and then opens up the jewelry bow and takes out a beautiful purple stoned necklace with diamonds in between and starts placing it around my neck.

"Oh my god." I start to shake my head a little bit while holding it. "This is so beautiful." I tell him.

"Just like you." He smiles at me in the mirror and wraps his arms around my waist.

I turn around and look at him.

"This is too much baby. I...." I started to say but he stopped me.

"We talked about this my love, that it makes ME happy to give you these things." He reminds me.

"I love you. Thank you." I tell him as I pull his face in for a kiss on the lips, not caring what happens to my lip gloss.

"Mmm" He moans against my lips before we pull apart for a second. "Yum." He says with a smile and while licking his lips a little bit. "I love that lip gloss. Tastes like frosting." He says.

"Yes well, we can't be late." I tell him as I feel his hand pull me in closer as he grabs my ass to do so.

"We can be a few minutes late." He says as he inches closer towards my lips.

"Down boy. We'll both have dessert tonight." I say while biting my lips.

"Mmm, yes we will." He tells me and then we kiss each other again with my arms draped around his neck.

This is gonna be a great early birthday dinner.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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